MovieChat Forums > Blackfish (2013) Discussion > Who here hates SeaWorld and drives a Jap...

Who here hates SeaWorld and drives a Japanese car?

Because if you do....

You're a f--king hypocrite!

The Japanese government issued over 20,000 permits LAST YEAR ALONE to kill dolphins and whales.

People who drive Japanese brand cars are WORSE than those who pay money to go to SeaWorld.


I will await the pissed off fear-monger responses of people that are now highly insecure because I exposed a huge hole in their f--ked up logic and reality.





Always enjoy a free bump.

Thanks guys! Let's show them what ignorance looks like.



The only logical hole is in your post, dumbass. Japanese car manufacturers aren't directly involved with Japanese legislation. Therefore, one's opinion about Japanese legislation should not influence one's decision to buy a Japanese car. That's called a fallacy of association.

Oops...I just exposed the OP as an idiot guilty of the very accusation he tried to fling at others.

Yeah. I just did that. Filthy.


Arcadia, this was also your post?!?!
Someone wants to be a lawyer when they grow up!
No, it’s not “Fallacy of Association” as the export of goods falls on the host country.
SeaWorld donated 1.6 million dollars to the city of Orlando to repair and expand the I4 Interstate. This was so they didn’t lose customers due to long travel delays. Should we never drive on interstate 4 because it supports SeaWorld? This highway they funded from the money of tortured animals was not “directly involved with Florida Legislation”.

I thought you were someone bringing some logical discussion to this board and now I find you using a thesaurus to be disrespectful to opinions of others? Damn.
My hope for you bringing different views and insight to people just went out the door.
I guess that’s my own fault for putting my faith in mankind in movie message boards.


First of all, I'm not an aspiring lawyer, I'm an aspiring scientist. Science is much more founded on logic and evidence than the legal system, FYI, so you might want to adjust your cliche accordingly.

The reason I responded with animosity is because the opening post was full of it. When people act like *beep* I give it right back to 'em - with a little dose of logic. I find it an effective combination.

And yes, it's totally a fallacy of association. Your example is invalid because in that case, there actually is a direct link between I4 and Sea World. In the case of buying Japanese cars, that's completely irrelevant to the issue. Not only is it a fallacy of association - it's also a non sequitur (Latin for "does not follow").


You use a lot of 10$ words in your attempt to come off smarter and more educated to solidify your opinions.

You don’t need to be the “smartest person in the room”. We already like you. You have very good arguments but when you talk like this you come off smug and pretentious.

Try talking to people like people and not some freshman law students and people might take you seriously.


Lol, uh...thanks? I guess?

Look at it from my perspective. I'm not "attempting" to sound smart. I'm just speaking/writing the way I normally do. I don't color my language just for message boards. This is how I ordinarily speak/write.

If that makes me sound pretentious, people must have really low standards for intelligence. And you shouldn't expect me to dumb down my writing just to meet those low standards. I won't.


That last sentence just proved my point.


Charlie: Your last comment just proved your pointlessness. I'm with Arcadiangenesis when it comes to this matter.


That means you are also an idiot.

I'm not sure you even know what "this matter is". Are you saying you know about government legislation on the exportation of auto motives in East Asia? I know its hard but try to keep up.

The Japanese government controls the exportation of any Japanese made products.
The Japanese government supports hunting whales in Japanese waters.

If you support Japanese products you support Japanese policy regarding wildlife and fishing.

Its just like buying blood diamonds from Sierra leone.
If Zales has them would you still buy them because its not Zales fault the government shipping out the diamonds?

Supporting this movies gives unneeded attention to SeaWorld.
All this movie did was up the visitor sales of SeaWorld in the first quarter of 2013.

I think everyone should change their post subjects to read:
"I'm gonna B**ch and complain until someone does something about SeaWorld it for me!"


We should also not buy Korean or Chinese or Vietnamese product

The have dog to eat dog...:(

Or hunt tiger to new extinction for bogus science thinking tiger ball higher libido


The OP makes a specious argument I imagine grade schooler might come up with in it's simplicity and stupidity. I hate whaling more than anyone but to say driving a Japanese car makes you a hypocrite is moronic. For one tons of Japanese cars are built in the USA by American workers so the Japanese government has no control over their exportation like the OP would like you to believe. If buying a Japanese car makes you a hypocrite than anything you buy from China makes you a hypocrite too because they still eat shark fin soup and have black market for illegally poached things like rhino horns and tiger penis.


I wasn't sure if you were a troll or just really stupid, so I checked your message board activity. Now I realize, you are both.


Are you really focused on the words used in the post not being "simple"?

Is this what society has come to? You're really complaining that the words used by this poster are "$10" words and make him sound pretentious? He articulated his point swiftly and precisely. Those words left no ambiguity to the point he tried to make and you're complaining about word choice and sounding smart? Heavens help us!

When communicating, the goal is to gain understanding. The receiver needs to get the point the sender is making. Posting in a forum, it is really important to choose words that represent your thoughts and to solidify your opinion. That is the point of communication on the most basic level.

He talk good cuz he use right words so u know what he mean.

"Why are you the way that you are?...I much about the things that you choose to be..."


If he is as "articulate" and "percise" as you say then he wouldn't need you to stick up for him. His words would do that for him. I don't think he needs a stranger to help him out.


And if he's as "smug" and "pretentious" as you say, we wouldn't need insecure twerps to point that out.



Wow, you must have a spud for a brain.

Registered date
Tue Jan 23 2001


The only logical hole is in your post, dumbass. Japanese car manufacturers aren't directly involved with Japanese legislation. Therefore, one's opinion about Japanese legislation should not influence one's decision to buy a Japanese car. That's called a fallacy of association.

Oops...I just exposed the OP as an idiot guilty of the very accusation he tried to fling at others.

Yeah. I just did that. Filthy.


This is the second time you have referred to Seaworld treating these whales like kings and queens. Obviously you are to stupid to know what a king and queen is treated like or you wouldn't say that. Also nice use of the word "jap" I bet you also love to tell racist jokes and anyone who doesn't like it is a pc liberal. You are an idiot.


Jap isnt a racist term. Is Brit racist? what about Aussie, or Yank?


It is a racist term you dumbass. Google it. idiot.

Registered date
Tue Jan 23 2001


volkswagen and I won't be going to seaworld!


FWIW, SeaWorld has a fleet of Volkswagen Beetles.


they bought or they manufactured a fleet of VW beetles?


SeaWorld breaths air and eats food too so you should probably stop doing that!





Actually the term jap is VERY racist. Please educate yourself.


Not according to my Japanese friends.
They tell me "Nip" was the offensive word in WW2.
Not sure why as Nip was short for Nippon.
So just because you shorten it makes it a slur? That that Yanks!
Maybe you should educate yourself with the influence of people and cultures instead of relying on Google.


Who here hates SeaWorld and talks to Japanese people?

Because if you do....

You're a f--king hypocrite!

The Japanese government issued over 20,000 permits LAST YEAR ALONE to kill dolphins and whales.

People who talk to Japanese people are WORSE than those who pay money to go to SeaWorld.

