Saw it yesterday!

Saw it yesterday and I must say, for a Dutch production it's very good! Gave it a 8 out of 10. Emotionaly the movie was very touching. The story was ok. But for the first time I had connections with the charactors in a dutch movie. I recommed this movie to see!! Sorry for my English...



There are some parts where you notice that the budget isn't of a Hollywood magnitude. But only if you search for it.
Other than that, great movie I felt. I rarely, and in the past 1 years, never went to the cinema to see a Dutch movie. This one I hád to see.


1 years was supposed to be 13 years. :D.

Also, don't apologize for your English. It's pretty good, and most native English speakers only speak English. And in many cases, mess up even that. :)


No problem at all with your English! Watch 'My Fair Lady' when Rex Harrison sings something along these lines; "The Frenchman speaks French, the Spaniard speaks Spanish, but why oh why can't the Englishman learn to speak....English!!!???" Probably not quite accurate, but it conveys the sentiment. If you want to hear poor English come to England!
Hats off to all those who post in a second language! I'm looking forward to the film, but I'll be using the subtitles, in English!


I agree, you use of English is very good and you have nothing to apologize for at all. As far as people from England speaking poor English, I cannot say. I am from Ohio and I can definitely say we gave up anything that resembled English years ago :-)


Partial lyrics to "Why Can't the English?" from My Fair Lady.

"There even are places where English completely disappears.
In America, they haven't used it for years!

Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?
Norwegians learn Norwegian; the Greeks are taught their Greek.
In France every Frenchman knows his language "A" to "Zed"--
(The French never care what they do, actually, as long as they pronounce it properly.)

Arabians learn Arabian with the speed of summer lightning.
And Hebrews learn it backwards, which is absolutely frightening.
Use proper English you're regarded as a freak.
Oh why can't the English, why can't the English, why can't the English learn to speak?"

I'd say anyone who can learn English a second language and then post intelligibly on an English language website is far ahead of most of us in the language department.


There are those who spend their time and money to nit-pick a movie. Pesty Nit-Pickers I have dubbed them. What is the enjoyment of That?


I gave it a 10 - simply because I enjoyed it so much and am still thinking about it today. The execution of the Witt Brothers was brutal - had me tearing up... I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't sure how I felt about the main character, as he is not your usual, handsome movie star (so shallow of me, I know!) - but he did such a fantastic job; he had me loving (and crying for) him at the end of the movie. :) I now need to look up this historical person to find out more!
