7.2? This sucks!

This just blew. The experts were hardly that. One "physicist" said that the neutron star came from "intergalactic space". Yeah, sure buddy.

And that countdown clock? Please. When counting down from 25 years and 3 months, the next year change doesn't get you to 24 years and no months.

Hey, National Geographic, leave this type of show to the Discovery Channel. You're not cut out for it.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


One of the scientists said that the people in the spaceship would ultimately have to guess as to whether the planet selected would be a good one. At that point, there would be no turning back.

It would be pretty awful if the chosen planet turned out to be toxic for human life. Either way, the human race would be doomed.

I didn't understand the problem with multiple companies trying their own version of getting people off of Earth. Assuming that there was no competition over basic resources for building the ships, more competition meant more chance of the human race surviving.

Did anyone else get the impression that for the first forty years or so, things would go on as usual? The changes with the climate wouldn't be a major concern until 25 years or so before the neutron star was supposed to collide with our solar system.
