Uncle Harley

I noticed that he's the only one of Cory's friends that she doesn't call "Uncle". Shawn is an uncle, Mr. Turner is an uncle. Jack could've been an uncle had he stayed in touch. Harley's obviously a close friend of Cory's that he's known for ages (even though they weren't friends back in the day), so I wonder why they didn't make Riley call him Uncle Harley.


No he's Not he's probably Some former convict that can't get hired anywhere else and Cory took pity on him and got him the job as The School Janitor, he kinda hinted at it.
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Harley was a character in seasons 2-3 of the original show, Boy Meets World. He used to bully Cory, but he never actually hurt him - just threats and taking his lunch money. And as for former convict, I highly doubt they'd allow him to work in a school if that were the case. If anything, I got the vibe that Harley didn't take life seriously so he didn't have much options besides working odd jobs (hence, his position as a janitor). Plus, Harley has mentioned on several occasions that it was Cory's friendship/positive influence that kept him on the right path.
