MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > whats wrong with Rowan getting mad about...

whats wrong with Rowan getting mad about piracy?

it cuts into the profits and messes w/ the ratings! IF people weren't Ripping the episodes sher.probably wouldn't mind.

-OR- AM I missing something...?

People give Hillary Duff the dame sh!t

First they criticize her for not discipline her kid emough!

Then they call her some perrvert for kissing her kid on tje mouth, he's still a kid its not like he' 10 i don't see anythimg wrong w/ that as long as the kids young!

This world is too Damn P/C!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


-OR- AM I missing something...?

Oh yes haha, you're missing something.

See the thing is that there's this thing called ON DEMAND. It's something extra PEOPLE PAY FOR. I get that Rowan is upset about piracy and that is a legit problem but her solution ended up being to screw over people who pay for this service, which of course is how you win over fans and respect the ones you have.

As I just said in the thread I posted it seems the savviness of the average Girl Meets World fan is completely equal to zero, maybe in the negatives, which literally forces me to conclude you're all morons.


I love when people use the episodes being released early as the reason why the show tanked in ratings. Just admit the show has bad storylines and the triangle dragged out. People are not here for Rucas either. The moment they started their cringy relationship, people lost interest. They don't sell the show. It was always Lucaya but Jacobs screwed them and now they don't even interact anymore just because Riley and Lucas are in a lame middle school old fairytale relationship. That's the only way they work if Maya and Lucas aren't friends which says a lot.


I never said that's why the show tanked, I said people get mad ?Because Rowan killed the On Demand thing!

She should get mad! If you eat the Red Apple of course you're going to get kicked out of Paradise! (in this case Riley Town, LOL!)

and they bash Hillary Duff because she doesn't scold her kid but when she shows affection they Make it seem like the Brother/Sister Kiss w/ Angelina Jolie & James Haven at the Oscars!

which is it people?! You can't have it both ways, I probably kissed my family on the mouth until I was 7 or 8 how old is her kid!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Because Rowan killed the On Demand thing!

Yum, yeah! That was something people paid extra for. I'm spelling this out for you and you still don't get it.

It's people like you the network will miss the least and was better off without in the first place. When the show finally ends you can practice your dense-headed idiocy somewhere else.

Bye Felicia 


Again, it's like these morons have zero savviness in how things work on network television and love venting their frustration on whatever things they can.

Not that I don't so ok yeah I'm a hypocrite big deal. I just do it against these very same and very deserving morons.


geeze i pay you a compliment and your still insulting! smh!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Doesn't change the fact that stupid is as stupid does!


Okay, I fixed it, sorry I was writing on my new tablet I got for Christmas!
I'M not used to the touch screen keyboard.

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Piracy has been around long before Girl Meets World, so you cant blame the downfall in ratings on that. People finally realized that the show was never going to grow. Riley was going to stay the annoying re+ard with the mentality of a five year old. The adults were never going to act like adults, let alone parents. The nostalgia ran out very quickly. People stopped caring about the annoying kids and wanted to only see the original characters. Those are some of the reasons the show failed, not piracy.


you didn't answer my question why are they blaming Rowan for the whole on demand thing.?!

and why are they being so hypocritical w/ Hillary Duff?!

I didn't say that's why the show tanked she should be pissed if people pirate her show!!!

Can't fu(king read? I never said the show got cancelled because of bad ratings! I said people were abusing the early on Demand/app (Lets say your parents give you a shiny ball and say just don't throw this against the wall of the house, then lets say you throw it against the wall even if you're not supposed to of course if your parents catch you they will most likely take the ball away!) So they took away the pre ondemand showings away!

Hell CrotchRocket was more insightful than you!
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Who the *beep* cares about Hilary Duff and what does she have to do with this?
I was giving reasons as to why the show was cancelled that has nothing to do with piracy. Piracy exists and it's not going anywhere. Get over it.


I'M just saying people are to harsh on girls who are or have been on Disney

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


I'm not even kidding I think he legit has a learning disability.

Hey if people can accuse me of it...


NO I get it wepay for certain perks in our tv packages/ but thing can be reneged happens all the time someone here said their provider cancelled Disney it's all about money really.

I know the show was cancelled because the writing got bad! But Rowan puting a stop to the on demand thing is the least of things went wrong. I don'thow blaming a 15/14 year old girl is going to solve anything.

I'M mostly refering to instagram and twitter but people can take info from us and add fuel to the fire!

How would you feel a month from now there's news alert saying "zChild actress commits suicide?! " would it make you happy?!

Cyber bullying can be pretty damning and hurtful/spiteful.

So she's alittle misguided atleast she's not punching her back up dancers

OR performing simulated ma$turbation w/ a foam finger!

Demi lost her $h!t while still w/ Disney not to mention both girls smoked pot w/ one of the jonas bros.
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


How would you feel a month from now there's news alert sayig Child actress commitssuicide?! " would it make you happy?

I don't know, maybe if you can retype your post so I can actually read and follow it.


There's an arrogance to it. Disney knows that on demand/ any piracy that comes from it will effect it's ratings but that's an offset they were willing to take for people to sign up for the service. To have a 14 year old then publically cry about it that it's killing their ratings just reeks of immaturity. I've never seen her contract I don't know if it her effects her or not but that's not the way to go about it.


Piracy had nothing to do with the show tanking. Rowan is trying to deflect from the real reason and thats she herself got the show canceled. Ratings are determined by the Nielsen system. So unless you are a member of that family how you view the show doesnt matter legit or not. Rowan and her Femizazi ramblings cost viewership to go away.


I doubt it would cause the loss of enough viewers to get a show canceled if the show was popular and well-written. Lots of shows have liberal activists and they stay on the air. I'm a conservative and I still watched GMW.

What do we want? More Asian actresses and actors. When do we want it? Yesterday!


I never said ratings made the show tank.? I just said piracy is bad for ratings and music in General!

I stream I admit it but it's still a bad thing!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
