MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > "Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen" episode discu...

"Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen" episode discussion

For those of you that haven't watched this episode yet, I will hide any and all spoilers with this post.

I thought that this episode shared some similarities with how Nickelodeon's popular show "iCarly" ended..even though I didn't really care for that show. With iCarly, Carly Shay ended up moving to Italy with her Dad. With "Girl Meets World" there is now a chance that Riley and the Matthews family will move to London due to the fact that Topanga received a partner job offer at her law firm.

In summary, the series itself would indeed end on a sour note if the Matthews do end up leaving New York for London. Unless Cory, Topanga, Riley and Auggie all keep in touch with their friends through the phone, postcards or online, then they would lose all of them as friends and would have to start all over again. I'm thinking, however, that Jacobs has something else planned here because I can't see the series ending like that.



I could see topanga possibly taking the position since it is a good offer..


With Riley's 16th birthday approaching, the kids contemplate the future and how rapidly their relationships will change in a few short years.

Like every other episode!

I'm Barry Allen & I'm the fastest man alive. Darn it Wally! I'm Barry Allen & I'm the 2nd fast...


The gang should enjoy their teen years before it is too late.


These kids are too busy talking about life than to actually enjoy living it.

I'm Barry Allen & I'm the fastest man alive. Darn it Wally! I'm Barry Allen & I'm the 2nd fast...


They aren't going to move. This was not written as an ending.


I liked the breaks of the fourth wall. The girls referring to the start of the opening song. Talking about how the triangle ruined Lucas. The whole Riley and Maya's relationship is the most important, everyone understands that comment.

This was a really good episode. They explained why Smackle always seems to flirt with Lucas.


Smackle sure has the hots for lucas.


Smackle doesn't. That was the point. I think the reason made perfect sense.


I actually thought it was just to keep Farkle on his toes. I figured as socially awkward but book smart as she is, she read somewhere about not letting your significant other take you for granted and this was her way to avoid it. Remember she briefly flirted with Josh at the ski lodge. I was pretty close.


This episode had some depth to it (thereby showing that the writers do know how to write).

Guys DO Make Passes At Girls With Glasses:

Smackle played a surprisingly large role in this one. From the (vaguely last-minute-shoehorned-in) explanation of her flirtatious attitude towards Lucas, to her worries over the depth of her and Farkle’s relationship, to her going into ‘shut down mode’ over her inability to ‘process’ no longer having her friends (a concept she has just started to appreciate) after high school, she actually stood out to me as the focal point character of the episode.

“Thunder! Lightning!”:

This episode was yet another whistle-stop on the Riley-and-Maya-Are-Best-Friends-Forever-And-Ever tour.

Essentially, ‘sisters before misters’. You go, girl! 😉

That aside, we are treated to the ‘threat’ of the Dynamic Duo being broken up. Oh no! Will Riley move away to a foreign clime (no)?

However, if Topanga were to move, maybe she could say hi to Raven’s mom over there in jolly old London town. ☺

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same:

To quote the good Doctor:

“We all change. When you think about it, we’re all different people, all through our lives. And that’s ok, that’s good; you got to keep moving. So long as you remember all the people that you used to be.”

Riley is afraid of change, afraid of what it means for all of her relationships. Which is only natural (more so for Riley even). However, one does have to note that all of Riley’s concern is for herself. How these inevitable changes will affect her. Again, not unusual, but worth pointing out.

Ship Ahoy!:

Have we ever heard Farkle and Smackle being referenced as ‘Smarkle’ on the show before?

Zay’s joking that Lucas never recovers from the debacle that was ‘The Triangle’.

Riley’s look of confused panic when she sees Lucas ‘hitting’ on Smackle.

Riley’s hope that she and Lucas work out, as compared to her assurance that she and Maya will stay fast friends.

Smackle’s emotional breakdown, requiring her to ‘reboot’. Not to mention her near hysteria over her admittance of her fears of inadequacy regarding her relationship with Farkle.

Lucas’ comment that he’s never seen two people (Farkle and Riley) who care so much about others.

Subplots? We Don’t Need No Stinking Subplots:

Auggie has more or less a cameo appearance in this episode. He also looks suddenly older. I must not have been paying attention the last few episodes...

All in all, showing the characters fearing the march of time was a good idea to play around with, and in doing so the writers did a fairly good job of depicting that fear. For instance, giving Smackle more characterization.

However, by the same token, it was yet another episode where Riley is afraid of losing Maya (if this is ever turned into a drinking game, don’t binge watch this show!). A concept we have seen roughly every fourth episode since the show began.

One last thing of note. If this episode is good (and it is), and it was written by the writing staff (and it was), then why on earth can’t it be this good all of the time?! This was an actually decent episode.


Riley’s hope that she and Lucas work out, as compared to her assurance that she and Maya will stay fast friends.
Riley’s look of confused panic when she sees Lucas ‘hitting’ on Smackle.

Now we know that Riley's afraid of losing Lucas - that makes it very hard to believe that they'd redo the triangle in the final 23 minutes of the series. And it makes it kind of hard to imagine any real changes as GMW signs off. But I wonder what Zay playing with Smackle as she rebooted means.. Something special was Farkle - the only one who thought the landmarks were the days he met the people in his life - starting with Riley and Maya - and they were a goup before they were joined by Lucas, Zay and Smakle 6 or more years later. If friendship means more than romance at this time in their lives, what would that add up to ?

Auggie has more or less a cameo appearance in this episode. He also looks suddenly older. I must not have been paying attention the last few episodes...

Augie doesn’t want to leave his wife of three years..


They aren't going to redo the triangle. Riley wasn't afraid of losing Lucas nor was she panicked when she saw him talking to Smackle. Riley and Lucas are going to break up in the last episode and that is a fine way to end it. The girls won't be dating anyone.


how do you know they break up?
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


I guess they sort of did, but you could chop that up to them thinking shes leaving but then again Maya May have her Heart LOL! it's sort of ambigious...?
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Yeah, but they Lucas is just her first boyfriend. Riley said that in Ski Lodge Part 2 to Maya right after she and Lucas got together. Riley never thought it was going to last.

The one thing that isn't ambiguous on this show and never has been is that Maya and Riley will be together for the rest of their lives. They are forever. Whether people think it is just friendship or more then friendship, Riley and Maya is the only relationship that the girls say they will be in forever. I think the last half of the season has made it known that Lucas knows that his relationship with Riley wasn't going to last because it is really Maya and Riley that mattered.


since she didnt move they could just sweep it under the rug like i said the ending was alittle ambiguous while abitheavy handed!

MR. Tuner should've mentioned seeing shawn at the hospitaal after r his accident or just left it at "Hospital" instead of that baby nonsense i get the joke but we never saw what happened until 20 years later!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


dandanger said:

I wonder what Zay playing with Smackle as she rebooted means..

😄 Is it just me, or does it seem like Zay has expressed a latent interest in every girl in the group now!

First there's his inadvertent slip about not being able to "choose between them" (Riley and Maya).

Then, there's his propositioning of Maya right in front of Josh.

Then there's his whole speech about what he loves about Smackle as he's giving her his gift at Christmas, and now this.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying... 😉


However, by the same token, it was yet another episode where Riley is afraid of losing Maya (if this is ever turned into a drinking game, don’t binge watch this show!). A concept we have seen roughly every fourth episode since the show began.

Farkle was one of the original trio (they were a trio for the first 6 years!)- and loves them both equally because that way he would never lose either one - he isn't going to happy about losing Riley either.


The episode was okay. Good themes with poor dialogue. Outside of Auggie's bad hair day and Cory's sock moment, the only real laugh out loud moment was Smackle reading "Dummies for Geniuses." I died during that part! 

But the second I saw Topanga's expression in their house, my mind went: "BOMBSHELL!" I wonder what's going to happen from here. Considering Michael Jacobs wrote the episode, it makes one wonder what direction he is/was looking for to conclude this DC chapter, or perhaps the saga of B/GMW in its entirety.

Is there really only one more half-hour episode for this whole show to finish off with?

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


I wonder if she's going to take it. Esp since they referenced her giving up Yale for Cory...this time around she would make the "right" decision and go to london for work


While true, I wonder why they're omitting that great whole move to New York that they all made. That was equally as big of a decision.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


True but no one gave up anything for that move. They all went together. In terms of parallel i think they are tryin to mirror the college decision. The NY one did not cause as much grief as college


Fair point. Cory spoke to Feeny about the move though, maybe less about the decision and more about just "being scared of leaving the nest."

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


In terms of parallel i think they are tryin to mirror the college decision. The NY one did not cause as much grief as college

In terms of parallel, I think they're trying to mirror Topanga's parents moving to Pittsburgh and her running away to get back to Cory.


.this time around she would make the "right" decision and go to london for work

This time around she'll remember her parents moving her to Pittsburgh and her running away to get back to Cory and then living with her Aunt - Does she want Riley and Augie to run awzy ? She'll make the right decision and turn London down.


If Topanga makes the decision to stay, it won't be because she's afraid of her kids running away. A $20 or $30 bus ride from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia is a little different from an international plane ride from London to NYC.


Maybe Riley will refuse to get on the plane and end up living with Maya and Shawn and Katy.

Þæs ofereode, ðisses swa mæg. -- Deor


But the second I saw Topanga's expression in their house, my mind went: "BOMBSHELL!"

That gives me a great idea of how to end it. Have the last episode be a back and forth of will they or won't they move up until the end. CUT TO: London and Jeremy Clarkson is standing with the family and says the last line of the series "And on that bombshell..."


If they leave, that feels like it drives the final nail in the coffin of the show. Fine by me. But. I feel like this episode shows that the actors all do well with dramatic material, and they've gotten a sadly small amount of that as opposed to comedic. No, I don't want every episode to be of them sitting around crying, but the final scene was fairly touching. I guess that it was nice knowing that a big part of it was Riley and Maya's friendship, and actually portrayed that without them blathering on about it. Though I'm sure that's what we'll get next episode.


I can appreciate their desire to end on a note of drama and address how beloved childhood friends often do move apart in real life.

And I know that this is Disney and all that, but what bugs me is how on Earth Topanga could have been made a partner in a law firm she left to run a coffee shop.


And I know that this is Disney and all that, but what bugs me is how on Earth Topanga could have been made a partner in a law firm she left to run a coffee shop.

I've been under the impression that she didn't leave the firm, but that she's been running the cafe as a side business. In fact, she hired Maya's mother to run it for her.

When you think about it, the Matthews are doing pretty well. They have income from three separate sources. Plus, by being made a partner at her law firm, Topanga's pay has just gone up as well. Swanky.


More like how on earth can they offer an associate a job to be partner in a law firm in a different country.


Exactly, unless they're just branching out from a law firm in the U.S. and defending American citizens, taking a job overseas would probably require different degrees. You can't necessarily have graduated studying U.S. law and expect it to apply in London, unless you obtain a degree in international law. Heck, even the bar requires you to be registered to practice in different states.

Again, another garbage plot that the writers didn't think through.

I guess they figured the younger audience would ignore it, but for the original BMW fan base, a lot of us are older and wiser than that. Even I was employed at a law firm several years ago as a File Clerk, and know this is not how being an attorney works. That was stupid on their part.

What baffles my mind is that they know people in their 30s are watching this for nostalgic purposes, but they treat us as though we're 20 years younger and are incapable of understanding shoddy writing when we see it.

Yes, BMW had its fair share of stupid plots and inconsistencies, but I never knew of any adult that watched the show during its original run, unless it was parents viewing it with their kid(s). Their core fan base was comprised of children.

Oh well, between the above and that annoying love triangle, plus the vomit-inducing over the top acting, I can see why the show was canned. They really wanted to dumb it down as much as possible, and they succeeded at doing so.


What baffles my mind is that they know people in their 30s are watching this for nostalgic purposes, but they treat us as though we're 20 years younger and are incapable of understanding shoddy writing when we see it.

It's obvious that you're very bitter about the show ending, but that doesn't change the fact. . and you should know that people in their 30s don't watch things for nostalgic purposes and criticize them instead of enjoying them - they simply enjoy and relive their past.


Every single one of your posts is on this board or on Ava Koker's board. It's very obvious you're just another overgrown manchild living in his mom's basement. When this board becomes a ghost town in about a week I wonder what you'll do with your free time. Obviously not dating


That bugged me too.
