'Josh' instagram

I saw the actor who plays Josh posted a weird goodbye video of sorts, where he mentions having had issues with certain members of the cast.

Anyone able to summarize the off screen drama he's referring?


He (Uriah Shelton) and other cast members (Rowan Blanchard, her sister Carmen, and Amir Mitchell-Townes) had a disagreement over the Alton Sterling/Philando Castile/Dallas police officer shootings last summer. An insane week as I sadly remember. Uriah took the side of the cops, the other three took the side of Black Lives Matter. Amir particularly took issue with Uriah's dismissal of black lives controversially taken by the police and provided him with graphic evidence to back up his point. Rowan apparently unfollowed Uriah after the disagreement, and from what I understand Sabrina did as well. I'm not sure if they squashed it.

FTR, Carmen is not a cast member, she was just somehow involved in the situation.


something about him seemed alittle off?

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


He seemed to have this smugness and arrogance about him i heard they were going to replace him w/ Teo Haim or w/e like BMW did W/ Morgan. SO as out spoken Rowan may be unfollowing him is probably a good carrer move for Sabrina too!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


A couple cast members including Rowan and her irrelevant little sister was going on about how black lives matter and how cops are evil.
Uriah (and Peyton I believe) were for all lives mattering.
Of course "das racist!" And the childish liberals weren't having that!


Of course "das racist!" And the childish liberals weren't having that!

Nor should day. Racists whites can't handle not being at the center of everything. Kind of like your leader, Trump.

Susan Komen has multi-million dollar fund-raisers to fight breast cancer. No controversy. There's no, "What about heart disease? What about colon cancer?"

PETA has a campaign about saving pets. No controversy. There's no, "What about trees? What about farm animals?"

But Black people dare suggest their lives matter because the cops don't act like it and you kkk members need a safe space. You guys are a joke.

What do we want? More Asian actresses and actors. When do we want it? Yesterday!


All lives matter include black lives. You're the ones wanting to separate yourselves, yet we are the racists.
Funny how statistics show that more white people are killed by cops than blacks, but you don't hear anything about that because we aren't the ones rioting and blowing things up screaming "he a good boy! He dindu nuffin!" Cops don't treat blacks like their lives don't matter but if you act like a thug, you'll get treated like one.. regardless of your race.


So cops can kill white civilians without cause and you don't care. Sounds like white lives don't matter. You sound like a typical copsucker. The world is filled with bad people with prejudices, hatred, and abusers, but you think none fill the ranks of the police force. They are all choir boys who never do wrong and none. Who knew the key to evolving humans to becoming perfect beings of peace was giving them a badge and gun.

Cops have been a branch of white supremacist since slavery. The more things change, the more they stay the same.



You're worse than a racist, you're a racist and naive. Blocked

What do we want? More Asian actresses and actors. When do we want it? Yesterday!






Bravo, Educator ! Bravo !


Ummm. Actresses is an Outdated term everyone's an Actor Now Male or Female Talk about Racist LOL!
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Toothache 504)


I don't do political correctness.

What do we want? More Asian actresses and actors. When do we want it? Yesterday!


you could've fooled me talking against racism and all

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


I don't think it's politically correct to believe people deserve not to have their civil rights violated just because they have brown skin or are a woman or etc.

What do we want? More Asian actresses and actors. When do we want it? Yesterday!


Oh boy where to start with him. He reposted a very controversial post on instagram following the murder of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling and the cops in Dallas, that said things like he hoped anyone who was talking smack about cops would get *beep* in an alley somewhere. He also never really apologised for it ever when he was called out on it, said *beep* like 'races are an illusion' to try and defend himself. Rowan's little sister called him out as did Amir Mitchell-Townes, the actor that plays Zay.
He also came after a lot of people in instagram comments and slammed the show and the fans and what it meant to them, even telling people that said it helped them that they needed 'psychiatric help'.
He then started liking anti feminist posts that said *beep* like 'feminism isn't necessary' and women are 'whiny babies who won't take responsibility for their own actions', which was referring to rape and harassment. That's when Rowan called him out and blocked and unfollowed him.

He then went on a weird twitter rampage-ish thing where he started threatening all the people that were mad at him which are mainly children which was really weird (link to tweet)
He also posted a bunch of insensitive stuff after Trump was elected and there's also a bunch of little things that I can't remember right now. But basically he pissed off the fanbase and the cast a lot, most of them have blocked him on social media and I believe Rowan has blocked his number.
Then he posted that weird video on instagram where he was crying and talking about how important and incredible the show was (despite calling it a silly little Disney show a few months prior) and how much it helped people (ironic considering what he said to the people that said this to him before)
Basically he's kind of an arrogant tool who has a lot of very unpopular and controversial opinions and seems to forget how young the fans of the show are.

But how can you prove for SURE that I don't go to Hogwarts??


Well he did get that bad accident so maybe it gave him a better outview on life.

The same thing hsppenned to my friend he was really angry anf pessimistic now he's more humble and sympathetic .

He also got married which is somethimg he swore he'd never do.

So maybe he didn't realize what he had unti he almost lost it.

I think the officers are wrong for using excessive force, but people taking the law into their own hands and going rogue is just as bad!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


All of the stuff before is fair criticism but the video just seemed like he was being polite and saying what a great show GMW was and he's sad that it's gone. To criticize him there is being silly.


Does anyone have links to where he has said all these things? Like about it being a "silly little Disney show" and the stuff about the fans? I can't find anything anywhere other than his issue with Rowan on Feminism.


Holy buckets - thanks for the info everyone!

I just saw on twitter he posted a screengrab of his phone / messages with Rowan. The old ones were from 2014 and cordial and the one he tried to send this week didn't go through. Which I suppose means Rowan blocked his number. Yikes!

OK, so you're probably going, "Is this like a Noxzema commercial or what?"


Wow. I just scanned this...

I think working with Julia Stiles on Blue gave him a big head. It was certainly a very acclaimed series/show with a very popular actress, which might even still be going on, not sure.


HE just can' Shake that Josh Name

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
