What a weak conclusion...

Michael Jacobs, along with the writers of this show, have clearly lost their touch. Although it was great to see most of the "Boy Meets World" cast back on TV for one more time, the ending of the finale episode of "Girl Meets World" was just a cheap retread of the final episode of "Boy Meets World." They even said the same lines after the flashbacks too!

Too bad we also didn't get to see them graduate from high school, as that moment in itself would've served as a better ending...although then again, I suppose some people would've drawn similarities to its predecessor as well.


Seriously what is up with the two Morgan's??????


because 2 actresses/actors played her

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


I thought the way they handled that was too weird and lame. Great idea to have them both on if they were both interested, but one of them should have been Morgan and the other needed a different role. Lindsay Ridgeway (who was the second Morgan on BMW) obviously still looks like the character we knew, so she deserved the part on GMW. As much as I loved little Lily Nicksay back in the day, she should have been given a new character cameo (like Daniel Jacobs who played Josh on BMW) just as a nod to the past.

I am usually a big fan of the way that this series breaks the 4th wall, but this one was too silly.


Daniel Jacobs returned on this show as a new character?


Not really a character, but he did have a cameo. He was in two seconds of the finale. He was the customer who came into the cafe at the end and asked Topanga if they were open.


it was written as a season finale not a series finale


I agree. I thought they should not have brought all the Boy Meets World cast back. This was the last episode of Girl Meets World and there was so much wasted time with the old cast. I thought the scene with the parents was particularly bad.

I think Farkle was also really bad in this episode. I thought he has been fine, but his acting was just really off here and i have no idea why.


There was literally a few minutes spent on the original cast. A couple didn't even get any lines. The rest only got like one line. They were basically token characters while the majority of time was spent on BS characters and plots most people no longer care about.


A couple didn't even get any lines.

This x 1,000!!!

Here's my take on the finale:

No speaking lines: Did Lee Norris even say anything? It seemed like they kinda shoved him into the background, just for the sake of having the Boy Meets World (1993) cast in there for one last hurrah. They made a big deal about his appearance in Girl Meets Maya's Mother (2014), and again in Girl Meets Money (2016), only to have him stand there and do absolutely nothing. Maybe a quick remark if it did happen, but it's one of those blink-or-you'll-miss-it types of scenarios.

Topanga's job decision: Who didn't see that coming from a mile away? Of course, it wouldn't make any sense for Topanga to completely uproot her entire family. I didn't think for a moment that they were going to have Riley and Maya live in different countries. It would have been an interesting challenge for them, seeing as how it's about the daughter having to face tough decisions. They should have left it open-ended, but I'm sure the fans would have been in an outrage.

The two Morgans: I get it, there were two actresses in the original show. But, was it really necessary to have both of them? Even though Lindsay Ridgeway was possibly the worst Morgan IMO, Lily Nicksay looks nothing like her younger self. Morgan is a blonde. Lily should not have dyed her hair. Though, I will give them credit for the way Michael Jacobs & Co. handled it to a certain extent.

Too much focus on Smackle: She made her first appearance in Girl Meets Popular (2014), and didn't really have a recurring role until the beginning of the third season. I don't understand why the writers decided to give her more attention than any of the other secondary characters. I guess she was more popular among the fans???

The flashbacks: More wasted potential on a secondary character that I couldn't care less about. Josh Matthews was hardly essential to the plot of BMW. I believe it was a way for Michael Jacobs to fit archived footage of his son, Daniel Jacobs, into this show somehow, just as he was shoehorned into the last few episodes of BMW.

Maya and Josh: I'm glad that's over. It was borderline creepy, even with the speculation among the viewing audience.

Riley and Lucas: Whelp, that ended rather abruptly. The writers forced the love triangle down our throats for the entire show's run, only to have them become a couple in Girl Meets Ski Lodge: Part 2 (2016), then put it on the back burner until the end. They hardly seemed like they had any chemistry to begin with.

Auggie and Ava: Ugh, if there's ever a spinoff of these two characters, I'm definitely skipping it. This is Girl Meets World, not "The Exciting Adventures of Two Adolescents". They were maturing the Ava character, then decided to start over from scratch by making her annoying all over again.

Danny McNulty: Poor Harley. When he made his first grand appearance in Girl Meets the Forgotten (2014), it's like the audience didn't really cheer for him like they did with Lee Norris. They cut a scene between him and Minkus because Danny was pushing Disney to renew GMW for a fourth season. You can read about it here: http://www.mtv.com/news/2974938/girl-meets-world-finale-deleted-scene/

Amir Mitchell-Townes: Ah, Zay. To me, he was more grounded than any of the other characters. They really didn't utilize him as much, and he didn't have any resolve in the finale. At least give him an arc, instead of being the useless fifth wheel of the group since the beginning.

Maitland Ward: I'm aware that this has nothing to do with the finale, but I'm not surprised the Rachel McGuire character wasn't seen. I didn't think for one second that Disney would let the actress set foot in their studio because of some of the things she did after BMW.

Cramming way too munch into a half-hour episode: I understand that they couldn't really pack everything into a whopping 25-minute series finale, but, they should have reserved the hour-long episode for the ending, not World Meets Girl (2017).

Too many similarities: I know this was the intention of Michael Jacobs from the very beginning to somehow relate it to certain BMW episodes, but come on, the finale should have been a wee bit different. Like I had stated above, Topanga not accepting the London offer is just like her not going to Yale because of Cory. Now, she's staying put for the sake of the children's relationships, be it Riley/Maya, and Auggie/Ava.

Well, this is exactly the outcome I should have anticipated a long time ago from a show on Disney. Also, Michael Jacobs isn't the same brilliant writer as he was when producing and directing BMW.

I believe no other network or streaming service will continue this show. The finale only drew in a 0.47/1.64m viewers. This is hardly anything to boast about, especially featuring the original cast, and the very first episode having a 1.3/5.16m viewers. That's quite a loss. The numbers for this season were abysmal.

Any other network/service would have axed this show a long time ago.


So you're making a post that isn't blaming Disney Channel, isn't blaming Rowan, isn't blaming other shows on Disney Channel but blaming the worn out hack writers who actually write the words and actions the characters say? STOP THE *beep* PRESSES! THIS GUY HAS A BRAIN!


I just watched the finale of BMW on teennick and it was sooooo much better. GMW is not anywhere on the same level. The finale of BMW was handled so well. The touching moments, the sad moments...all totally earned. It took 7 seasons and character development but it was totally earned.
