Riley and Lucas

Seriously, what was up with their relationship? They never even seemed like they liked each other. They made such a big deal about the triangle and him finally choosing her, and then nothing? No kissing, no hugging, not even any hand holding? I thought at least for the finale they would do something. But they sat on the stairs for three seconds looking awkward.


Was just coming here to say the same thing. I get that the focal point is the friendship between Riley and Maya, but why spend all of that time on the triangle and then not even give Lucas and Riley's relationship screen time or development at all?


I don't think the writers ever gave much thought to where they wanted the characters to go or how the relationships would mature as people aged. Farkle stopped being a dork and Smackle made friends. That's it.

What do we want? More Asian actresses and actors. When do we want it? Yesterday!


Rowan probably lashed out at the writers for doing a stereotypical story about a boy liking a girl. If only they were open minded like her they'd just be existing.


They are kids. It was a crush. They didn't like each other that much.


That's a bit of a lame excuse. Kids that age do have full romantic relationships. A couple of my friends lost their virginity in 9th grade.


What does sex have to do with it? There are also a lot of kids who don't date til they are older and don't have romantic relationships in high school. Also, Riley thinks of Lucas like a brother.


I'm just using that as an example to show that "kids" that age are doing far more than what's seen on the show. Sure, there are kids that aren't. I know that. But saying that it was because they were "kids" that nothing ever happened between them is not a valid reason.


Sure, but most kids aren't doing all that much. I think it makes no more sense that they would be physical then that they wouldn't be physical. Especially since Riley clearly did not like Lucas all that much.


You clearly have never dated in high school or even knew anyone who did then. Because teenagers may not all be having sex, but they do kiss, hold hands, go out on dates together, talk on the phone for hours, etc. Corey and Topanga in BMW felt more like a real couple than Riley and Lucas do. I forgot he even chose her. There's just no interactions of note or conflict or anything regarding their so-called relationship.


Yeah, some kids date in high school and hold hands and kiss and guess what some kids do not. Also, Riley didn't like Lucas all that much by the end of this show or really at all, so them not being all over each other doesn't seem like a stretch when they didn't really like each other. The only reason that Riley's crush ever got serious was because Riley thought that Maya liked Lucas too. Before that it was just a crush and would never have gone beyond that if Riley hadn't mistakenly thought that Maya liked Lucas and that Lucas liked Maya. They are also 14/15 years old. They aren't 17.

This is one of those things. It depends on the kid. It depends on the family. In this situation with rich, white kids from extremely protective families in a nice uppity school in Manhattan, their behavior seems about right.


I'm not surprised, seeing as the adults hardly ever got any action either.


I'm not surprised, seeing as the adults hardly ever got any action either.

It the Disney channel for goodness sakes!


I wasn't saying otherwise.


That's why they broke up!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


They are painfully awkward. It was agonizing to see the second generation of Boy Meets World - a show that was all about a good make out session - slog through such a pitiful attempt at "romance" with the lead character. It was so unnatural and forced, and while I never was really into that pairing, I did think that Riley/Rowan used to at least look at Lucas with starry-eyed adoration, but even that evaporated this season. The utter lack of chemistry was so apparent. We'll probably never know now, but I am really curious if that was the endgame that Michael Jacobs had in mind. If so, I'm glad it isn't continuing.
