MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > Here's how I would've done the ending (s...

Here's how I would've done the ending (spoilers)

In the Final scene when the adults are talking to the kids, Minkus and Harley should've been there too. Or at least Minkus since he IS Farkle's Dad

Shawn: You're gonna learn from it everyday.
Harley: You're gonna make mistakes
Minkus: You're gonna make good friends too.
Katy: And even though it seems like the world goes out of it's way to teach you hard lessons.
Topanga: It's the same world that gave you your friends and your family.
Cory: And someday you're gonna come to believe the world's gonna protect you too.


Def agree with Minkus being there to say something.


No. GMW is not BMW and never will be. Keep BMW lessons out of the trash that is GMW.



Even the idiots on this board can do a better job writing this show than the real writers.


I don't like when this show has people finishing each other's sentences in a "rehearsed" fashion. It sounds like a PSA and not real dialogue. If they had something to say, that's one thing... but they weren't delivering an oral presentation here, mind you.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **



That scene was meant to be a homage to Cory's speech to Josh in the final episode of Boy Meets World That's why the adults were talking like that. I thought it was a nice touch.


A homage should be an indirect reference to something that you would only get if you know the history. This was copying a monologue line for line from BMW, even including a flashback to when it was originally said.


I think the flashback was bad. That scene wasn't even good that they flashbacked too. I know they were trying to get the boy meets world, now i get it, but they edited that flashback terribly. I guess the director wanted to show his son in the episode more. It was not good though.


Agreed. I am first in line for all BMW flashbacks, and at first thought it was a nice touch that they did show the scene where Cory talked to little toddler Josh ... but then the editing, specifically the cuts back and forth, was really poorly done. And all of that would have been more meaningful if the Matthews fam actually left for London, which was the point of Cory having that monologue with Josh on the BMW finale. It was his little goodbye speech.

My perfect ending would have sent the Matthews to London, and then the show moved to Freeform (or anywhere that could have more mature content) for a 4th season that started with a little time jump - Riley moving back to NYC for her junior year of high school, and having to adjust to the changes that took place in her absence.


Yeah, i think they really wanted to keep in when Josh ran over to Topanga in the flashback because those lines with Topanga are repeated by the older Josh actor when he comes into the coffee shop as a costumer. I just think that should all have been cut. Cory should have said boy meets world, now i get it, then cut and no going back to that scene at all. It was just so badly edited and a complete waste of time.


My ending would have utilized the essence of Girl Meets Bay Window without the ridiculous musical number.

Part 1. A mixture of past, present and possible future. The focus would be on how the girls, realizing that they may be separated, cope with the idea of being apart. Maya doesn't take to kindly to it especially after seeing what happened to her mom and her best friend Bobby Jo. Which would be the episode before this one, adding a bit of foreshadowing. Riley putting on the Brave face is trying to bottle up her emotions and be the rock for Maya. Even though Riley's hurting inside, she does what she can to reassure Maya. It gives a throwback to Rileytown. This time is different because Maya notices quickly and reassures Riley.

Part 2 is a flash forward where we see a potential future. A future where the two of them overcame the distance and we see them struggling with the distance. They are making the best of a bad situation, in their eyes. Over time they begin to slowly make it through and see their friendship getting stronger.

Part 3 were back in the present. Where each of them spend time with BMW cast members trying to figure out if they'll be able to make it through the decision. All the while we don't see Topanga at all until the end where the girls, their friends and family all enter the bakery. Light switches on and Topanga is at the window. We flashback to Eric telling her to find her safe place and that's where she goes. It's at this moment she realized that she wants to stay in NY and let's everyone know her decision. Everyone crying tears of joy. Customer walks in, ask if they're open, the girls say in unison, "Welcome to Topanga's a place where anyone can meet the world...." fades to black as customers begin walking in.


That was the corniest scene, who rehearses a speech like that?


Harley and Minkus both had speaking lines that were originally cut due to Danny McNulty getting into an argument with Disney exectutives on continuing the series for a fourth season.

Here's the link:

"Girl Meets Ilha das Flores" - Shooting Draft


And then the other. (THEN) We represent the common man, the salt of the earth, people whose hands bear the scars of their hard labor and gritty determination --


And the other. All I can say is that, if you choose to go, I will fly you to your destination on my private jet.


And I will load your bags with my private hands.


And we will miss you terribly.


That we have in common.

It actually sounds pretty cheesy. I'm glad it was removed.


I don't believe they cut the scene due to Danny's support of a season 4 - the episode clearly ran over time-wise.


I agree with you. Harley was in about 4 episodes. I doubt he was the biggest pain in the rear about the cancellation.

Good job Oscars! Hopefully Asian and Hispanic nominees in 2018!
