MovieChat Forums > Girl Meets World (2014) Discussion > Auggie & Ava were horrible

Auggie & Ava were horrible

I loved everything about this show except when it would slip into gibberish that maybe preschoolers found funny. I really, really hated Auggie & Ava and wish that their screen time was spent on the adults. If this show miraculously gets picked up in the future, I would like to see Auggie (the character!) die. I think it'd be very BMW and would be a good way to transition the show from a kiddie show to a more sophisticated show that represents real life.


Lol that's so fcked (intentionally misspelled to avoid censors) up. Should he die in a school shooting to make it even more with the times. Seriously though, he's sometimes fine when he isn't with Ava. That little witch is absolutely unwatchable. She's the one who is better off dying in the show.



Yes, actually, he should. lol


Should he die in a school shooting to make it even more with the times.

If they seriously do that, whatever network the show lands on and pulls that off deserves to die a slow, horrible Nielsen death, and Micheal Jacobs deserves to lose every single shred of credibility he has left.



Augie and Ava are two of the most talented in the business today. Ava is getting more work outside of Disney than any of the others.


So you're one of her parents?


Ava's in *bleep* movies. A whole bunch of them. If only there was some way to look that up, like some sort of Internet Movie Data-base, that maybe had a message board community. Oh well.


like some sort of Internet Movie Data-base,

All you have to do is type "Ava Kolker" in the line at the top of this page - there it is.


I really, really hated Auggie & Ava and wish that their screen time was spent on the adults.

Oh, come on, NightSprings. You sound like another of those BMW devotees who wanted the new show to be BMW seasons 8, 9 and 10. It was never going to be close to that. (In hindsight, I wish the stories had made fewer references to the old show, like Frasier didn't look back at the old gang from Cheers.)

Auggie and Ava were great characters. Whoever cast August Maturo and Ava Kolker knows great talent. Those two got better and better every episode. If they stay with acting their careers will go two directions: upward and forward.

I have long thought that the anti-Auggie/Ava people on this board generally don't like pre-puberty actors. But Disney Channel and its shows are aimed mainly at audiences the age of Auggie and Ava and Riley and Maya, for heaven's sake.

Yeah, I know filankey is not a word, but it's gonna catch on.


But Disney Channel and its shows are aimed mainly at audiences the age of Auggie and Ava and Riley and Maya, for heaven's sake.

But not the same show. I doubt most people invested in Riley's story cared about the "love" life of two kids in third grade.

I'm Barry Allen & I'm the fastest man alive. Darn it Wally! I'm Barry Allen & I'm the 2nd fast...


I'm actually not really a huge BMW fan. I grew up when it was huge, but I thought it took itself a bit too seriously. That's why I think GMW is an improved version of BMW. But I signed up for GIRL Meets World, not BABY Meets World. Auggie and Ava are super annoying. I'm interested in a fun teen show, not a show for preschoolers. I will admit... Auggie wasn't horrible in every scene. He shared some sweet scenes with Riley and Topanga. But when he was with Ava or it was a Halloween episode, I felt like I was watching something I'd have to watch if I was babysitting my 6yo niece.


I've never been in favor of just forcing storylines for the adults for the nostalgia trip, that's not why I dislike Ava. Auggie was great in the family scenes and his stuff with Cory, but giving him separate plot lines with Ava serves absolutely no purpose. The target audience is older than Auggie and Ava, they have no interest in watching five year olds. That's why they're watching Disney Channel and and not Disney Jr. in the first place. That time could've been used to split up the main group of kids for B-plots rather than just lumping them all together for a cult session about friendship every episode. Flesh out the people the tween audience is actually supposed to care about. Auggie actually served a purpose, but Ava was most likely there purely because of executive meddling to get someone's daughter/niece some screen time with Disney.


The target audience is older than Auggie and Ava, they have no interest in watching five year olds
There's your problem - Augie and Ava were not 5 year olds - they're 10 year olds..And they were a highlight of the show. And we'll see each of them (Ava and Augie) again.


There's your problem

No, it's Disney's problem, this show had a problem with ratings and dedicating a third of it to characters that no one cared about probably didn't help. As the show runner, It was Michael Jacobs's job to put out the best product possible to make Disney the money they want. Because that's all they care about, this isn't about making little kids feel good.

Augie and Ava were not 5 year olds - they're 10 year olds..

They were seven at the end of season 3, five during season 1 which is when a show is supposed to be building a following. Considering how obsessed you are with these kids, I'm surprised you don't remember the whole "I'm this many" thing they did to death to emphasize how young they were.

And they were a highlight of the

Do you get high before you watch this show or something?

And we'll see each of them (Ava and Augie) again

Sometimes you sound like you're going to kidnap these kids or something. You're obsessed.


Auggie actually served a purpose, but Ava was most likely there purely because of executive meddling to get someone's daughter/niece some screen time with Disney.

It was actually Michael Jacobs playing with the Topanga/Cory dynamic. On BMW he kept reconning it until they were in love in diapers. This was his way of establishing a destined couple since grade school if not earlier.

What do we want? More Asian actresses and actors. When do we want it? Yesterday!


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That's just as bad, he gave us a character no one likes to remind us he was a questionable writer in the first place. How does that help the show in any way?


I think Auggie in the scene at the end of Sweet Sixteen was really good and i really liked the Auggie and Ava scene in Goodbye. They are kids. Kids are weird. They aren't the most interesting thing about this show and they should keep taking acting lessons, but they were fine.


I don't mind Auggie, but I HATE Ava. I hate her more each time she appears on the show. I mean no disrespect to the actress; I realize she's just doing her job. I just think the character is unbearable.

I actually thought it would get better back when Topanga realized Ava was like that because she doesn't get enough affection from her parents. Then Topanga hugged her and kissed her cheek. I thought that would be a turning point, with Topanga helping to fill Ava's "mom void", and Ava being less of a brat as a result, but no, she's as annoying as ever.

Please don't feed the trolls.



I thought the same, but she's even worse.


Well She stopped throwing her out (The Whole "Weee!". Then "But..." Stopped after that Episode! They still didn't like each other but they Respected each other.

OR atleast a mutual understanding
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


I disagree. I think that's one of the most underrated aspects of the show. The way they parody marriage and adult issues through two young kids is amusing.


I think those two are two of the most irritating characters ever. Especially Ava! Everytime she comes in the room saying "I'm Ava Morgenstern! Yeah!" I just want to mute the TV. Her voice is so annoying!


What adult issues?

They had no children, no jobs, no bills to pay, no aging parents to take care, no addictions, they hadn't even gone through puberty. It was all some bizarre attempt to recreate Topanga/Corey minus the fact that very few people care about the "love" life of elementary school kids.

Good job Oscars! Hopefully Asian and Hispanic nominees in 2018!


Augie and Ava were the highlights of the show when they appeared. They were not only adorable, they did an outstanding job.


No, they were horrible characters on a horrible show. They had no redeeming qualities.

Good job Oscars! Hopefully Asian and Hispanic nominees in 2018!


You're really sick - the multi-talented Augie and Ava were two of the greatest highlights of the show.
