Amy and Alan

I was just watching an episode of BMW and I like how Amy and Alan actually came off as parents. Topanga as a parent is very meh and Cory is damn near cringe worthy. The show is "Girl Meets World" not "Girl Meets Boy Meets World".

I always felt like the strengths of BMW was that supporting cast. Prime example: Mr. Feeny. GMW's weaknesses came from the point of view that the supporting cast served to fit Riley's world rather than Riley fitting into the world.

Any way umm ago Falcons.


Agreed. Amy and Alan were better parents, and they were also better as husband and wife quite frankly. Cory and Topanga may as well have not even been apart of Girl Meets World,, since they were mostly just a ploy to attract viewers anyway.


GMW's weaknesses came from the point of view that the supporting cast served to fit Riley's world rather than Riley fitting into the world.

Oh man...So much this.

You've pinpointed a major problem with this show. Riley and Maya were supposed to be the best friends in the history of forever and it's supposed to always be that way. If anything gets in the way then the world needs to bend to Riley's will to make her wish happen.

Instead of learning how to function in the world as a meaningful member of society, Riley learned nothing and just expected everything to be her way. If it didn't, her and her friends would all sit in a window, look at the ground and mope about it.

I mean, Corey stopped his class and had his brother travel to NYC to fix Riley and Maya's relationship. I understand willing suspension of disbelief but it's hard to ignore that any teacher would at least be put on administrative leave for pulling a stunt like that. Maya's and Riley's relationship was fixed at the expense of the other students' education. More than once.


Agreed but that's part of being on a kid's show. Adults are portrayed in alot lighter view. They tried to keep Topanga as a respectable adult but Corey pretty much had to be the standard Disney adult.

For what it's former fans wanted GMW would had to been on Netflix to work.
