Uriah Shelton....

yYou could tell he Didn't want to be there, You Could also tell That Sabrina and Rowan Didn't want Him there either.He's just as Outspoken as Rowan!
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Agreed. When he asked if he could sit down, her body language was screaming "NO!"


Yeah that shows what bad actors they are. Rowan couldn't even look at him.


Sabrina doesn't like him ether uriah's an @$$hole anyways
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


You've got to admire those two brave and brilliant young ladies - they're not afraid to to speak their minds..


But to be fair maybe Uriah has a family member who's a cop, but he's said and done other sh!t too!

even if he's related to a cop he would still off as racist especially to the zay or zey actor!

especially if this was not behind the scenes and in front of the audience, SMH I'M glad Rowan and Sabrina blocked his number etc.

Makes me wonder if drugs/alcohol played imto his motor vehicle accident and had "A Cop Family Member" cover it up?

HE may have changed his ways hence his emotions whrn the show ended.

Did he call GMW "A Silly Kids Show" before or after his accident?

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


You must feel like you're making a difference in the world posting that you agree with a 14 year old actress on one IMDb board and no where else.


what other Boards should I GO ON to help spread The Word/Love?!

So I can help make a difference.

Only other Board I Go on is Bates Motel.

Should I go on the boards for Spy Kids or Invisible Sister. Or the Rowan's Board? I didn't think there'd be haters on those boards too should I go there and help support her cause.

Together we can make a Difference,

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


uriah's an @$$hole anyways

Based on what? Because he chooses to disagree with Rowan?

Look, I know you and dandanger have huge crushes on Rowan, but that doesn't make her infallible. It also doesn't make anyone else's opinion any less valuable.


It's one thing to side w/ the cops but he must think the black people shot by cops deserved it,SO That makes him Racist,
Peyton and the Zay/Zey actor has the right idea, ALL LIVES MATTER
 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


he must think the black people shot by cops deserved it,SO That makes him Racist,

Again, what are you basing this on? I need hard facts. You're just making wild speculations with phrases like "...he must think the black people shot by cops deserved it..."

I don't know if he's indifferent to BLM or is not for it or even against it, but none of those positions make him a racist.


He some crazy posts that they got what they deserved for resisting arrest. It's one thing to take it by a case by case basis or just defend the job of a police officer but to go off the wall and imply that cops have the right to kill because someone had the audacity to reach into their pocket or are resisting but not deadly just reeks of immaturity.



 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


I'D like 2 agree w/you but I can't understand everything you wrote???

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


He is NOT a racist. Do you know what the definition of a racist is?

People treat Rowan like she is a God. That is problem..She is actually a hard person to get a long with. Its her way or the high way. It embarrassing. Rowan called Uriah stupid before even given him a chance. Every post on her social media is something Democratic. She wont let her fans breathe. Her 8 year old fan girls call her a hero because of it. It actually disgusting. She doesn't stop. She doesn't respect anyone who doesn't have her views on life.


Rowan is fifteen. I don't hold anything against her because she is a kid.


She's unbearable. It even goes a step further where she criticizes people out just because they're not insane activists. That being said she's right on Uriah. He may not be racist, I don't want to speculate on that, but his views on the subject were pretty dumb.


She is unbearable...her parents are crazy for allowing her to say and do some of the stuff as a 15 year old girl


Well i read her Twitter Trumps Travel ban goes against everything America stands for! The wall is debatable if it turns out into a berlin wall prepare for WW3 If its tighter if the are expanding the current one they may be good it'll also keepnUS Americans from crossing over to their border to Escape prosecution.

Half of the time if you watch America 's Most Wanted or Crime Watch Daily they day be on the look outfot SO & SO he may've fled TO Mexico Becareful for he may be armed and Dangerous.

This travel ban thing goes against the constitution Our Four Fathers would be roling in their graves right now!

The person running for President in France is Trump in a Skirt! I Wonder if she has a comb over too?

I will be kind of glad once these boards shutdown!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Riley\Rowan gave him a look that could kill Sabrina/Maya turned her head

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)


Expect a recast if the show comes back...
