The mask remake

How did I not know we were getting a mask remake


Wonder is not a remake of Mask.
It's an adaptation of the excellent middle grade novel Wonder.

The Wizard Has Spoken


Seems like an odd choice of source material to choose to adapt from, instead of sticking with the classic Jim Carrey movie as the adaptation source.


They weren't talking about the Jim Carrey movie. They were referring to the 1985 movie called 'Mask', starring Cher and Eric Stolz.


it seems like some material is partially inspired by the classic "the mask" film starring Jim Carrey. You can tell by the similarities of the facial features between the young boy playing the deformed child and Jim Carrey when he's not wearing the mask in the original film.


Look up the novel "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio.
It's based on that book.

The Wizard Has Spoken


You're kidding right?

Also, I don't care whether there is a book by the same name or not, this is most definitely just a remake of the movie "Mask" starring Cher and Eric Stoltz.


The book has nothing to do with the story in mask. It is a film adaptation of the book Wonder, which my kids loved! It is a heartwarming story with a great message, and enough touch of reality to make you laugh and cry. To blindly call it derivative is to insult the book, which you have clearly have not read. Read the book, you will not regret it!


So, this is rip-off then?


Absolutely not. It has nothing to do with the movie "Mask" and is a film adaptation of the book "Wonder". Unless you are asking whether they are ripping off the book (which has nothing to do with the film "Mask"). If that is what you asking, then Yes, it is a rip-off of the book Wonder. Of course, it is a film adaptation of the book. (If you found Silence of the Lambs to be a rip-off of its book, for example, then this too is a rip-off!) Curse you Hollywood for making movies out of good books!!!! Oh wait, nevermind, I loved the book Wonder. Thank you Hollywood!


exactley my thought.


I don't think that thought was thought out as exactly as you think it was thought out.
