
So lisa said her record was completely clean yet she beat up her husband....then said oh she bringing up stuff ten years ago. Then throws water at Quad because she was in a lesbian relationship.....oh ALL things. LISA just ruined herself by getting into a physical
We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


Quad wanted a brawl and she got it. After seeing how she assaulted her husband, why would Quad antagonize someone like that? She obviously wanted her ARSE kicked. lol...


.Really Mars lol take that argument to the love and hiphop board with Mrs. J.Hernandez lol
Quad really wanted to discuss the backgroundcheck and yet mrs.thang really wanted to act like her stuff don't stink....I don't know...she kept saying she is clean she is clean....why throw water. We all know Lisa beat up her husband because she found out he cheated and/or gave her an STI/.
We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


Being in that situation with Simone, Toya instantly asked Quad "what did you do" to provoke this assault? That was funny; and so apropos to ask knowing L.N. didn't just assault Quad "out of the blue." lol... She was talking $#!t about L.N.'s husband and "she went off!" That's not how I handle such situations, but I wouldn't have even met someone like Quad. Like Lisa said, "she's unpredictable!"


I know two wrongs don't make a right, but to be fair, Lisa is the one who did the background check on Quad. I think Quad might have been able to move past that but then Lisa went and implied in front of others that there was something other than Quad's arrest that she found. When you insinuate things, it's sometimes worse sounding than the actual truth. Lisa played dirty and Quad went back at her.

Trying to change the subject onto Quad and her "lesbian relationship", okay, she's continuing to play on the same level. But popping off the way she did by throwing TWO glasses of water just made her look guilty.


Quad shouldn't have invoked Darrin. I don't blame Lisa for losin' it over that; trying to protect her family. True enough, nothing was revealed on Quad. She was the one that exacerbated this situation so that now the whole world knows her $#!t! When you go dirty, you can't help but get it back on you.


Quad takes a page out of the Kenya Moore playbook.
Quad is a hood rat.....what LN said.

While I like Kenya and not Porsha in their situation, I started off liking LN and definitely wish Quad would just dry up and blow away but tbh, the situation is the same and if I felt Porsha was wrong for getting physical on RHOA, then LN is wrong for getting physical on M2M.
The one difference, though, is that Quad was getting aggressively in LN's face where Kenya did not do that to Porsha. Quad seemed to be trying to be physically intimidating over LN but LN wasn't having any of it.


Exactly! ITA!


The one difference, though, is that Quad was getting aggressively in LN's face where Kenya did not do that to Porsha. Quad seemed to be trying to be physically intimidating over LN but LN wasn't having any of it.
Wrong on both accounts. Perhaps you should go back and watch both that RHOA reunion and the latest Married to Medicine episode. 1)Kenya ABSOLUTELY got in Porsha's face first via a scepter. 2) Quad was NOT in Lisa's face before Lisa assaulted her with wine. In fact, Quad was across the table. She didn't get in Lisa's face until afterwards.

I remain amazed how people can see the EXACT opposite of what is shown on the screen. 

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy


Yeah I agree. Kenya was in Porshas face via an item, that could have easily been used as a weapon, pointing it. I don't call that not physically threatening.


Yeah, you don't go there with somebody's husband. Everything she revealed, she revealed about Quad. Husbands are off limits because situations are never comparable regardless of what may have happened in the relationship. LN's cheated but that doesn't mean that Quad's hasn't done something just as dirty.
Stick to each other and leave the husbands out of it. Another woman's husband should never come up in a conversation unless, SHE brings him up.


I think Quad might have been able to move past that but then Lisa went and implied in front of others that there was something other than Quad's arrest that she found. When you insinuate things, it's sometimes worse sounding than the actual truth. Lisa played dirty and Quad went back at her.

Amen to that!! Lisa started this whole situation not by doing a background check but by implying to a group of people that she found some dirt on Quad that others didn't know about. You don't do things like that to people. It's mean, antagonistic and just plain nasty. That's what set Quad off, I'm not sure why others can't see that, but oh well. It takes all kinds to make a world.

ETA: I also thought it was particularly cruel and vicious to out Quad and Mariah's lesbian relationship assuming it's true. You don't out people...EVER. I also find it telling that Lisa was so disgusted by it that she threw water on Quad! Is there any doubt in anyone's mind how Lisa Nicole really feels about gay people?!


I don't believe her viciousness had anything to do with that relationship. She was hot about Darren.


Also, no you DONT out people. But you also don't bring up other folks' husband's TO them. And especially NOT negatively.


Yeah, yeah, yeah Lisa got grimy first. When you come out the box playing dirty you pretty much get everything you deserve AFAIC.


Well if there's no line once you get grimey then you CAN out someone. If all bets are off with both then nothing is off limits.


Technically people can do what ever they want when they want. The thing that I find annoying is when people like Lisa dish out stuff they can't take. Lisa set the stank nasty tone of this whole $hit storm and now she wants to cry because someone has the nerve to give her a taste of her own medicine, please! And everyone talks about Darren and references him in some kind of negative way. He's a serial cheater who runs around Atlanta humiliating his wife. Anyhow, I'm not going to engage in a back and forth about who started the bull*hit. I have my opinion which I'm not going to change and I bet the same can be said for you. Plus it really ain't that deep for me and I find all these women pretty unlikable but this show has the train wreck effect on me.


Well in Quads defense...she mentioned the incident with the battery and that could be correlated to the illegitimate daughter

We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


Maybe. But we can say all this but bottom line, Lisa never outed anything about Quad. She may have insinuated but insinuations don't need to be addressed. Plus everyone knew about her battery charge and Lisa really didnt start going there with Quad until she starting revealing the battery charge, illegitimate child, etc. Lisa Was dead wrong for throwing glasses etc.


She may have insinuated but insinuations don't need to be addressed.
Huh? I couldn't disagree more. Insinuations can be extremely damaging and dangerous, sometimes even moreso than the actual facts. Case and point: Kim Richards (BH) insinuated something untoward about Lisa Rinna's husband and never gave specifics recognizing that the insinuation alone would be enough to plant seeds of doubt about his character. Insinuation is a tool passive aggressive types have long used to sully someone's name without being legally liable for it.

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy


In the situation that Lisa used the insinuations, they didnt need to be addressed. What I'm talking about is when they were at Toya's party and Quad kept saying there's nothing there and Lisa kept saying there was something. THAT to me did not merri an ok I'm going to look into your background. To me that didnt even require Quad responding to Lisa's mess.
There was nothing damaging about what Lisa said because she never specifically said anything. "Yes, there is" - isn't saying anything.
Quad - in my opinion, should have let that go because she had said nothing damaging because she said nothing.
Now your example is different, this person you're talking about on BH, made insinuations about someone's husband...that's totally different than making insinuations about nothing.


There's a reason they're no legally liable for it. There's nothing illegal about insinuations.
