Heavenly Read to Filth

She got it back for her stupid questions! Heavenly's supposed to be so smart and spiritually whole, but she's without a doubt the most VILE of the ladies; ready to call someone a b!tch for no reason! She must still be drinking like a fish out of a coffee cup! The woman obviously has problems! 

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She's ignorant, plain and simple. The sad part is she doesn't know it because she's too busy judging others.


Some women have an epiphany after seeing the show they're on and have that "come to Jesus moment," but she's going in the other direction being more opinionated and judgmental!  

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Agreed! She needs to put down the cup and close her mouth! Genise (sp?) put her in her place, too.

I really laughed when Heavenly asked if she should bless the table (or say grace - something like that) and Mariah said NO! LOL The look on Heavenly's face was priceless.

If the spirit can remain after the body's long gone, I think I can love you forever. Yu to Kyouji


She got it back for her stupid questions! Heavenly's supposed to be so smart and spiritually whole, but she's without a doubt the most VILE of the ladies; ready to call someone a b!tch for no reason!


I wonder, seeing how she acts- who would ever want her to be their dentist or anything else.


Did you see Alaura playing her? Maybe she'll straighten out after hearing it from her own daughter! 

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I agree. People have talked about Mariahs behavior in the past is the worst. But for me, Mariah actually exudes some sense of class while Heavenly is down in the gutter with the least class along with Toya.


Heavenly is so messy it's disgusting and she tries to be so polite about it, that's what's funny about her
