Peggy Shippen

Since Andre's story concluded in season 3, has Peggy's as well?
Or will we see more of her and Arnold in season 4?


It would be interesting if Benedict's and Peggy's story continued a bit further. Life was far from a bed of roses for the Arnolds after his defection. Since he didn't deliver West Point, Brits didn't feel he held up his part of the bargain. Also Arnold wasn't respected by the British, looked upon as a dishonorable man for what he did.


Very true.
Yet Peggy remained with him. Either she felt she had no choice, or she truly was fond of him.


Not only did she stay with Benedict, when Benedict died she received a pension from the British government. That factoid has fueled a rumor that she had been working as a British operative all along.


I think perhaps Peggy was for Peggy, and went with the winner!

I'm currently reading The Traitor's Wife, and it tends to enforce this.
