
This is actually the perfect show with which to play this game, given the development of some of the characters and relationships.

So, here goes:

Marry: Hewlett
Shag: Caleb
Kill: Simcoe, naturally.

I would actually marry Caleb AND shag him, but you need to pick a different person for each category. That's my rule. Also, Caleb is a sailor and roustabout so he'd be gone all the time, wouldn't he? And I would shag Ben too, but given the choice between him and Caleb, I pick Caleb.

If I were a straight man or gay/bi woman?

Marry: Anna
Shag: Mary, I guess?
Kill: Um.....that's a tough one. There are no women on the show I really want to kill. That leaves me with Peggy. I like her, but she needs to die because I sure as Hell wouldn't kill Abigail.

Revising this post after Monday's episode:

Marry: Caleb
Shag: Ben
Kill: Abe

I still adore Hewlett, but Anna is the love of his life and I wouldn't want to live in her shadow or get in their way. In my alternate universe/head canon they will be reunited and marry and he'll be unavailable.


Shag? Anna( no doubt- ive seen Heather Lind naked on Boardwalk empire- shes smokin')

Marry? Mary- Shes freaking loyal to het baby daddy thats for sure. Plus Meegan Warner can never be sexy even if her life depended on it. Shes pretty- statuesque but Lind is better looking

Kill- Abigail- Because she is an opportunist- not a patriot. She betrayed Andre not because he british- but because she wants to get her son back at all costs.

Andre is a nice guy- a true gentleman . The enemy yes, but hes doing his job to the best of his ability.( notice how he was a but bothered by a civilians death during that Valley Forge mission to recover intel? The real Andre was pretty much the same. A good guy- talented- loyal to the crown... just the enemy.

Cant do the men cuz im too str8 I cant even tell you about that.

Merry Xmas to all ( and to hell with everyone else who doesn't believe)


Dude Meegan looks hot here-

Remember Mary is her character. Mary isn't meant to be sexy. Unfair to say the actress can't be sexy cause she looks fine as *beep* in these pics!
And yes lind is beautiful. All the ladies are.

Shag- Peggy
Marry - Mary
Kill- Simcoe


Ive seen Meegan. She isnt that good looking. take away her long hair and she looks plain.

Merry Xmas to all ( and to hell with everyone else who doesn't believe)


I'm a straight woman but I think Anna/Lind is gorgeous. That white skin, dark hair and delicate features and bone structure. I guess I always wanted to look like that, since my mother and sister look similar to her but I took after the other side: red-haired with a large mouth (literally and figuratively, LOL).

And I can see why men are so attracted to Anna as a woman. Not only is she beautiful, but she has that kind of spirited, independent side to her that can be so appealing. You can imagine her as a little tomboy, climbing trees with Ben, Abe and Caleb and getting scolded for tearing her stockings. She's womanly and charming, but never mannered or prissy. I think to a man like Hewlett who grew up in a more rule-bound society, she must be such a breath of fresh air.

I really like Mary now, but she was a conventional character/woman in S1 and Anna is just more my cup of tea.


Kill: Martha
Marry: Washington
Shag: Ben


Marry: Ben
Shag: Simcoe
Kill: Hewlett


Shag SImcoe, hey? Well, he's a dangerous sort. Might be enticing I guess. A bit kinky maybe.

Ben is a good choice. All-around solid: hot, brave, clever, passionate. But I can't agree about Hewlett.


Haha! I've also begun to think Simcoe is kind of sexy.

I guess I really like his ginger hair, whereas the wig makes most guys unattractive (except, maybe, Hewlett for some reason).


Marry : Ben
Shag : André
Kill : well... to be honest... I don't think there's anyone on this show I want to kill. But I'll go with Richard.


Marry: Ben
Shag: Ben
Kill: Anyone who tries to stop me


Marry: Ben
Shag: Ben
Kill: Anyone who tries to stop me

I was just about to post the same thing.


Which means kill Abe, because he can't stand it when anyone except him might get some loving.

Fine with me. In fact, I posted this thread before Monday's episode. I now switch my "KILL" choice from Simcoe to Abe.


Abe is not only a horrible human being but a terrible spy to boot. I mean he's gotten caught SOOOOO many times.


Especially after the last episode -

Marry: Hewlett
Shag: Ben
Kill: Abe

"What time is sunrise?"
"When I open this door."


shag Maj. John Andre
marry Major Hewlett
KILL Judge Richard Woodhull


shag Anna Strong
marry Mary Woodhull
kill one of those nasty B1tches in the sewing circle...


Marry: Andre
Shag: Simcoe and Akimbode at the same time.
Kill: Abe


Marry: Ben!
Shag: Ben!
Kill: Richard Woodhull


Marry = Hewlett
Shag = simcoe/ben (difficult one)
Kill = Abe


Marry: Hewlett
Shag: Caleb
Kill: any adult male with the surname Woodhull


Mary Hewlitt
Shag Abe's dad
Kill Simcoe. Maybe shag him first.


Hmmm. Unusual and very intriguing answer. Abe's Dad is a very attractive older gentleman, and after the last episode I am far more fond of him than I was before. But IDK about shagging him. I mean I WOULD, but he might not be my first choice....

I might be among the few who don't find Simcoe attractive. Great character and actor, but not appealing in that way, to me.


I don't find him attractive either but I am a sucker for a villain. And frankly, none of the other men on the show do it for me so I kinda had to reach.
