MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > POLITICAL PROPAGANDA


Besides all the blatant emotional 'all is one' gibberish, which is
nothing new; this same crap is on SOAP for *beep*'s sake, everyone knows
we're all 'connected'; this film is a thinly veiled globalist/new world
order/one world government mind warp trip just like pretty much every
alien/futuristic movie out of the sewers of Hwood. Just think about it,
name one movie of the future where there isn't one global government
with a single leadership. Well I'm sure someone can name one, but you
get my point... In the future its united Earth unified going where no
cock or twat have gone before. They make it INEVITABLE.

Anyhow, clearly the overall point of this barely watchable Close
Encounters/Abyss remake is if humanity is to advance as a race/species
we must give up national sovereignty, culture, currency, laws, borders
etc., and join one another under the great overarching genius of the
UN. Gee thanks; I can't wait for George Soros and Obama to tell me how
much energy I can use and that my farts cause climate change so I have
to drive an electric car and wear a solar panel on my back; OR I'm a
luddite neanderthal.

Clear support for my thesis as heretofore described are the 'rebel'
soldiers who decide to destroy the aliens trying to prevent the
inevitable unification of the planet because they listen to too much
right-wing radio; a clear unambiguous reference to the political
'right', Trump, religious fundamentalists, talk radio... Stick to
trusted media sources stamped and approved by our globalist masters
like WAPO CNN NYT and HUFFPO; they will tell you how and what to think,
since you're not bright enough, having come through public education
and raised by TELEVISION (the State).

So boys and girls, if you don't think Hwood is pumping out political
propaganda with every million it spends on this bilge, you need to wake
the hell up; you are being manipulated. They don't make movies for your

This entire film is moot; if the heroine could see the future, which we clearly learn she can right from the start, she would know about the aliens and open time to already learn their language when they arrive, then call the general right away... She has 'flash-forwards' of her daughter after she met the aliens and wrote the book so save your explanatory pseudo-creative genius logical

The film is just an excuse to yank those heart strings and of course,
push globalist NWO politics!

Thanks for reading fella! G'day mate


Well said


here here, and in a way a good thing is, they are making it more and more obvious to non-sheeple, globalists don't do subtle all that well, with the studios insertion of the chi-coms in every movie, and over opinionated, egotistical liberal hollywood actors mouthing off at who we should vote for, its a tough time to be a film buff and have a political conscience, my movie watching material, in between boycots is getting perilously thin!
I would like to put my pacifier in Adeles binky box!


In the end Hwood is a kind of business; don't give these bastards a DOLLAR. I sure as hell didn't pay for this filth:)


(1) Re: globalism, this is something that has happened throughout history. People identified with their families, then villages, then cities/ counties and now countries. It is irrelevant whether you like globalism or not. It is an odd vision of the future to believe it will somehow grind to a complete halt. It will slow when there is pushback from workers (as seen in the Western world now) but will get back to pace soon enough. Globalism is like technology replacing jobs. It can be hard for people during the transition but progress pretty much depends on it happening so it will happen one way or another.

(2) nothing in the film said people who wanted to attack the ships were right wing. You've just come to that conclusion on your own so you are the one making the judgement that those that wanted to attack the aliens are similar to politicians you like. I will also point out that the Chinese and other countries also wanted to attack the aliens and were treated as sympathetic characters. There were no bad guys in this film.


Well said!


1. People identify with their sports teams and gods, is there a point? Sumer, Egypt, Greece, Mongols, Rome, Persia, China, Europe all had vast global empires at one point or another with the aim of total global domination and all fell apart eventually therefore your inevitability thesis fails easily; humanity demands independence regardless of rulership and cultures are preserved in secret if need be. One world government will never happen, not by free will anyway; certainly not during your lifetime so good luck with that 'citizen of the world' Zeitgeist utopia wet dream.

2. Perhaps you'd better watch it again; if you need your art to spell their intimations out for you then whatever education you received has failed miserably. Read between the lines that's what art is supposed to be. It was qiote obvious to plenty of other people....................

China owns a trillion of US debt and finances US films, show me the last movie where they were 'bad guys', particularly when they've been built up over decades to take over as the leading global power by the financial oligarchy. They're the model for your 'inevitable' wet dream the NWO... If their economy doesn't collapse from the manipulation and fraud of course.


I'm sure citizens of various city-states in ancient Greece, medieval Italy, Germany felt the same way. And they were wrong.

And I'm sure several loudmouth individuals in your own states, and in countries in the EU voice the same "reasonable" arguments of "wet dreams" - but were proven to be lunatics who know nothing of human nature.

Seeing a parallel forming here.


"nothing in the film said people who wanted to attack the ships were right wing."

The rogue army guys who tried to blow up the alien shell were shown being worked up and inspired by a right-wing television or internet commentator who was clearly intended by the film makers to be Limbaugh-like. Not that I care one way or another.


lol whatever is just a movie.


don't be zombified moron who worships his TV, child; get your shyt together and grow a brain


And you need to step away from your Infowars/Breitbart propaganda and stop being such a fraidy cat, terrified of your own shadow. The movie was a beautiful and positive experience, but you alt-righters look for the conspiracy in everything, because you need something to pin your insecurities and fears onto that is tangible. You always get back what you put out, so you would be a much happier person if you stepped away from the spreading of conspiracy and fear - it is not productive in any way to be spreading this fearful negativity around.

I simply am not there...


how profound... coming from a mind phuked huff po NYT dick wart you got nerve talking trash about any media source. not only are you not here but you in fact have no functional brain. youre not unique or original but just a replica of the rest of the 'enlightened' snowflakes and SJWs who think they're thpeshul and here to bring peace to earth... suck on your Hwood media propaganda content in knowing you've never had an original thought your entire loser life. silly cucaracha


Wow, I've never seen an ad-hominem stretched over an entire paragraph before. I'm sure this is some sort of literary achievement.


That's one ad hominem that is not only entertaining, but is absolutely accurate.


I agree, it also floats the idea that learning another language could be 'magical'.

Here's a little secret the NWO folks will never tell you - if you know English then you are wasting your time learning any other language unless you are on a certain few career paths. English has by far the largest vocabulary and is understood by more people around the world than other languages. Rather sad to consider all the time and tax dollars wasted on two years of mandatory foreign language classes in high schools!

Quit exhaling! You are contributing to global warming.


English has by far the largest vocabulary and is understood by more people around the world than other languages.

Wrong and wrong. English does NOT have the largest vocabulary and English is NOT understood by more people around the world than any other language.

Rather sad to consider all the time and tax dollars wasted on two years of mandatory foreign language classes in high schools!

There are a number of excellent reasons for learning a second language and doing so most certainly is NEVER a waste of time or money. This ignorant, clueless moron has absolutely no idea what they're talking about so do NOT listen to their stupendously idiotic advice. If you have the opportunity to learn a second language you should definitely do so...

We're from the planet Duplon. We are here to destroy you.


I really enjoyed the film

But yes, you are right on pretty much every point.

Abbott was probably meant to be Osiris the dying God or something (well he probably wasn't, but he would've been if I were in charge of Hollywood's satanic NWO propaganda)

As globalist propaganda goes though this is a sterling effort


Good points! Can you imagine a time traveling species unable to communicate in English!!? The premise is laughable! And how could they possibly know that the chick, whatever her name is, would be picked to communicate with them since apparently she is the 'chosen one' who saves the world and who can open time?

The movie really stressed how their space ships emitted no energy waste or radiation etc. How is that relevant to ANYTHING besides envirocucks?


Man, being enlightened seems like a serious drag. Nah; I think I'm out. I just can't take myself half as seriously as you seem to take yourself. Sorry! I'm all yours, globalist masters!


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


I got the vibe that they were also pushing for a "don't abort babies because they have handicaps / disabilities" sorta message. This movie is stupid.
