MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Discussion > How about making a movie about a man get...

How about making a movie about a man getting revenge on a group of women

For a change? What's with the lack of movies about a man who gets his revenge on a group of evil women that harm him in some way (it doesn't have to be sexual)? There are many bad women in reality who do bad things to men, and this reality should be represented in the movies too. A pretty ridiculous number of these castrating, demonizing men movies come out and yet we see very little of the other side represented. That actually qualifies it as one-sided sexist propaganda, or at least a an obvious double standard. We'd have to see movies with the genders reversed for it not to be, which I hope we we'll see more of as long as movies like this ex . It would certainly be refreshing, it would take someone with guts and intelligence to do it, but I'm confident it will happen probably sooner than later. There have been some movies over the years that came out that featured men getting revenge on at least some female character or another even if the whole film wasn't about that, but there's not nearly as many as there are featuring women getting revenge on men. It's quite disgusting and lopsided. Hell if a movie came out about a man getting revenge on a group of women or something like that I'm actually PAY to see it.


Granted there are far less f movies like this and this would be a fresh breath of air in the movie industry as it is now. however that is not to say such movies do not exist at all. There are revenge movies where male is the victim getting his revenge.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


"There are revenge movies where male is the victim getting his revenge."

I'm actually just curious about this myself, how many are there really? Would you mind naming a few of them? Offhand here I can think of Fatal Attraction, Liar Liar (even though that was more a lighthearted comedy than anything), that movie with Molly Ringwald called Malicious, Men Don't Tell (about a male victim of domestic violence). But these movies aren't nearly as violent if violent at all towards the female perpetrators than many of these female on male revenge movies are, in fact the movies I listed aren't even proper revenge movies, more like survival movies. And it seems the few that do exist have come out in the 80s and 90s and in more recent years you really don't see any at all. That's ironic considering there's more female criminals than ever, more news stories than ever featuring women who assault, maim, and murder their boyfriends or husbands, and more and more studies demonstrating that female on male violence in intimate relationships is as common as male on female violence, and there's also more women than ever in positions of power and making as much money as men, yet they're nonetheless still treated with such kid's gloves it's crazy and just doesn't make any sense.

But anyway, can you name any innocent man fights back against bad woman movies that have come out in say the last 10 years?



Wow, great answer lol. Needless to say you haven't convinced me that there shouldn't be a movie with a man getting revenge on a group of woman. I don't understand what you should have against that, what's your problem? It wouldn't have to be the exact same premise where a man is raped by a group of women, it could be something else that is more likely to happen in reality like maybe a girlfriend or wife character taking advantage of unfair Mandatory Arrest policies and preponderance of evidence rape shield laws to easily get an innocent husband or boyfriend character in prison, or mabye a wife hires a hitman to kill her husband so she collect life insurance on him and he ends up surviving and exacting his revenge, or maybe a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape and nearly ruins his life, or a woman who commits paternity fraud and impoverishes a man or puts him in jail for a kid she had with another man who she cheated on him with (these things actually happen in real life because there's laws, including the ones I mentioned above, that actually allow women to do this and no laws to punish them when the get caught in the fraud).

If you don't like the idea, than I just think your a self-loathing wuss. Smarten up. Movies like the one I'm suggesting can perfectly well come out too as long as there's going to so many movies with women getting revenge on men.



"I don't watch them and I sure as heck don't come onto their imdb boards to complain about them."

Well if it's bad enough and bothers you enough, than why not. You have a forum here to do that in, that's what these things are here for. Why just shut up and be silent all the time about negative things that annoy/disturb you? But it depends on how much it bothers you and how bad the thing is your criticising. I happen to think that a movie like i spit on your grave 2 is the kind of movie that should be criticized as much a possible, and probably deserves more negative criticism than your average romcom, especially with some d-bag critic hack out there calling this "the best sequel ever". There has to be as much as possible to come up against such bolony as that. And I'll be very happy to make my own addition to it.




"I'm Brian and so's my wife!"


How about yes... You women are always on about equality well how about you woman up and show us some...

Whats that you only want equality when it suits you.....

Same old *beep* different day.



It's not "women's equality" it's equality. The whole point of the word is to define no particular party owns it. It's just becoming clear that when ever anyone suggests that a women's as to come to do their equal share of something they don't like, suddenly they become hostile and refuse to do it like you are here attacking "ego" and calling him sexist.

Typical signs of a woman that really isn't interested in equality at all but just privilege.



If you're not aware of how unequal women are seen as by males then you're obviously one of those MRA walnuts and any further posts by you on this subject are automatically rendered invalid.

Typical signs of a misogynistic dingus only interested in preserving his male privilege.



Who are you? Was I talking to you on here? It's been a long time since I've been on this board. But anyway, I'm sure my comment was regarded to that one guy and concerning MRA types that don't see women as equal. If you're not an MRA dude that doesn't see women as equal then you have nothing to worry about.

Seriously,drink bleach or something. Your continued existence is a blight on humanity

My comment wasn't apparently directed at you so you can relax, bud.



I guess I had worded it wrong then because I was trying to combine the whole males and MRA thing in once sentence. I don't know, it was a while ago but obviously not all males because I don't know every guy on this planet and my brother is chill so that wouldn't work.


Thinking about it, I think I meant males in a general sense but of course didn't say ALL of the males everywhere.



Did I say most? No, I gave no reference to any amount of men or anything. There's no other gender that I can say that would be seeing women as less equal. There's women but that's for a whole different reason. Have you seen the comments MRA's make about women? Sounds about the same as that guys post history. Why would anyone disagree that there's men who don't see women as equals when the proof is out there everyday.



Sorry, I guess I wasn't aware of blanket terms. I need to learn more people words to get my understanding across.

But hey, I think we largely agree.

Ok, cool

Pee.ess. I'm totally a gold digger




How about making the male lead gay and he get's raped by a group of women? lol


The problem is that men are physically stronger than women, and are also the ones who do the penetration in the act of sex. So it's much easier to show men physically abusing a woman, than women abusing a man. The woman might use lies and deceit and fake tears to get the man into trouble, but then for an equal payback, the man has to use lies or deceit, probably not fake tears. But then who wants to watch that? People want to watch physical beatings and physical payback. And that only makes sense giving it to a man, since most women can't really hurt a man very physically unless they use tools.


I think it's even more simple than that. Ever notice the difference between Hostel and Hostel, Part II? In Hostel, the plot involves three males graphically and brutally tortured until the last one gets his payback while escaping. The film does not shy away from the gore.

The sequel, however, involves three females. It's significantly less graphic, we don't even see the second victim killed, and the survivor simply bribes her way out because she's rich, but not without a full on scene of her cutting off her would be torturer's privates once the deal was accepted. They didn't shy away from that part at all.

It comes down to our societal hypocrisy. The MPAA and feminists have something against sex and showing violence against women, but wanton torture and violence against men has free reign.

Geoffrey Sax, the director of the film White Noise, bring this up when talking about the climax of that film. There was a woman strapped in a chair with a contraption on her head with screws in it that the killer was tightening. The director said every time he took an edit to the ratings board they kept denying him a PG-13 on that alone until it was trimmed down to the point it's hardly in the film.

And I know a number of women that can put a man to shame in a physical altercation.


The men *are* getting revenge on the women in these films. Thats how all these films start! Did you not see her get raped by a male at the start? Duh!


In what way is a man raping a woman he doesn't know "getting revenge" on her? Are all women the same person?


I'll tell you the best way for a man to get revenge on a woman. Fart in the car and lock the power windows so she can't roll them down to let the smell out. I know my farts are so stinky, they would make a buzzard gag!

"They just don't realize." "Donnie can go in there and make them love me".


They don't appreciate the massive pretend favors we do for them.

"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!"


Most men who brutally rape women were damaged by their own parents. They're getting revenge on their mothers. Not their victims.


Just above every horror movie has a male villain who kills females. You get that enough. Females killing males in horror movies are a breath of fresh air.



and they don't feel any need to justify it AT ALL by making the women hurt the man in any way first.

the men USUALLY just kill them FOR NO REASON other than that they are sickos.

a few have abusive mothers in their backstory, but generally speaking.....


just take any of the thousands of horror movies out there. way more than half the scenes are men killing women.

the OP is either completely oblivious to the world around him, or doesn't watch horror movies.



That's not entirely true. Most horror/slasher films generally have a group of males and females who get killed off one by one leaving a 'strong'female to take out the killer in the end. So still pandering to society's view on men being the only violent ones therefore we need to show a woman stand up to them in movies.
I think of I spit on your grave as a vigilante film, not a horror/slasher film. It would definitely be something new to see a male vigilante getting revenge on females.


its because men don't usually seek revenge... they use their manhood for power and sex, and move on... they do their thing in devious ways, and it just doesn't sound very honest that a man would seek out revenge much less care at all... revenge is more of a female emotion... it makes more sense that a woman with all her emotions, fears, anger and rage, to seek revenge especially when its a rape and an attempted kill and she survives it... if u want a good revenge movie with a man, check out the one with kevin bacon. he seeks revenge but not on women, he goes after a gang that kills his family.. anyway once again women and men are not the same by nature. men like to conquer, and have power and when dealing with women they use their sexuality to get what they want,. women are the ones that can get obsessed, emotional, and hold grudges... u can't beat human nature! although men are starting to get more emotional than the old days due to horomonal imbalances and high levels of estrogen in food products, and yes men have become more emotional these past couple decades, once again, society doesn't recognize that as realistic... it might even be embarassing to see a man going after women... thats what us crazy chicks do! lol its not believable or movie-worthy


Hmm that's a lot of generalizing, almost none of which is backed by statistics.
Men can be as vengeful as women, maybe for different reasons. And there are many women who use manipulation deceit and sex to get what they want before moving on. Difference I've often seen is men are likelier to use physical violence as a means of revenge and women use mind games. Not factual, just personal observation. Cheers.


its because men don't usually seek revenge

That's about the dumbest generalization I've ever heard / read. Ever see Braveheart??


Too many dumb liberal hippies in Hollywood. It would be way too PC to make a man revenge on women film


Even in these films the revenge is much worse than the actual crime.

So you have three guys and they rape one woman and in return she goes and kills all three of them after causing as much pain as possible. That isnt even remotely balanced. Its about time we saw the reverse in play time to get an MRA guy to direct a film. We have had enough feminists involved to result in films like this being made with excruciating details of mens genitalia being destroyed its about time we had the reverse. If the feminists want equality we will give it to them.


Who are the notable feminists who have endorsed this film? Since when are rape-revenge films, most of which are written and directed by men and have been widely and aggressively denounced by feminists (were you alive when the original I Spit on Your Grave was released?), assumed to be feminist cinema?


When feminists denounce violent, man-hating sh!t like this, they're just being political cowards who can not face up to the idea that they got wet while watching these men get brutally murdered. They'll even go so far as to take away more power and agency from women by suggesting that women aren't like this.


This is a vigilante film. It's not "man-hating."


When every man in a movie is an unsympathetic rapist who gets defeated and murdered by a woman then yeah, that's a man hating movie


This is an indie film that had no real theatrical release to speak of, not a "Hollywood" film. It is full of brutal violence that does not reflect the "hippie" lifestyle. The extent of the violence, sexual and otherwise, that is perpetrated among the female protagonist is not "PC" is any sense of the word.

How old are you? If you were alive in the '70s you know that the rape-revenge genre has never been considered PC and many feminists regard such films as exploitation.


2 Shotgun Rex - do you mean it would be way too UN-PC, as in, NOT politically correct, to make that sort of movie?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
