I enjoyed it.

If it's a an Aussie or NZ horror film, I always give it a chance. They tend to have a quirky sense of humor to them usually. As the trailer for this movie showed.

This film did not dissapoint, it was funny, gory and quirky, not a bit scary but I'm fairly sure this movie wasn't going for that. Give it a try.


I loved it. Indeed, quirky.

I really loved the girl Jocelyn Christian. She has a great girl next door look. Too bad she didn't flash a bit more skin...ha ha ha. But she looked great in the scene when she showed a bit more.

Maybe people were expecting a typical zombie movie or something, I don't know.

But, it was funny to me. The "I'm not gay" lead, the story of a movie about zombies turning into zombies, and more.

The only thing is, Susan is a bit too mean to Wesley. Eh, maybe it's more accurate to real life, but in spite of being attractive she is quite mean to poor Wesley most of the time. In fact she is quite unlikeable. She's not that hot to be mean like that.


I'm watching it right now and I'm quite enjoying it. Probably the funniest Kiwi film I've seen.


I am on the road less traveled...


Best part of this movie, hands down, was the portrayal of the props guy. Beginning to end.

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Yeah, it was pretty fun. I got it in a 3-pack with a couple of other zombie comedy movies, there was one from Australia called "Me and My Mates vs the Zombie Apocalypse" with Jim Jefferies, you should check that one out too.

What do I know? I'm a bear. I suck the heads off of fish.
