WARNING New Star Wars movie could trigger seizures

Disney warned today 10 12 19 its new Star Wars movie could trigger seizures.

Well, how about making a movie that is fun and safe to watch and not a visual assault?
Flashing lights are used by police as a weapon, in 2019 they don't belong in entertainment of any form (film, dancehalls, concerts etc).

I hope Disney gets sued up its ass.

I'm fine with selling poison and putting a warning label on it.
Even better is NOT selling poison but only safe products.
What kind of family company has this become? Only the dollar matters?
Walt must be rolling in his frozen tube.


I'm wondering how Disney would know that the film might cause seizures if, as the fanbois say, there were no test screenings.

But, on the other hand, I have trouble understanding how Disney could have screwed-up this franchise so bad without if being on purpose.


The schills keep denying any test screenings, but all the mounting evidence says otherwise.


What evidence? Doomcock?


No, things like a seizure warning. I don't trust snails named Doomcock, lol.


Not surprising. TLJ caused nausea and vomiting, and that was before Rose appeared on screen.





Right...because you want people to talk about a movie in a "don't watch it it will give you seizures" way. That's just the buzz Disney needs to bring back the force to SW...


The Rise of Skywalker is the one who knocks !


I AM the one who knocks!

The Rise of Skywalker is the one who knocks at epilepsy's door.
