Every actor is promoting this besides Mark Hamill

What a dick, cause he got force ghosted


Screw you buddy. At least he has a dick.




He's made no secret in interviews over the years that he doesn't like any of the new trilogy, and why should he, they suck.

However, I do think it's funny that he's a flaming Leftest, and it's flaming Leftests who screwed him in the latest trilogy.


I love grumpy old Mark Hamill. This dude has the stones to call out shit as shit, and they keep parading him around anyhow! It's amazing.


With all due respect, I don’t see him as old and grumpy at all. I see him as real and as cool of a mother fucker as he’s ever been. He knows what is going on is fucked up. That makes him genuine; not grumpy and old. I know what you mean though... I just see it differently


Yeap. It's interesting how the roles have exchanged between Harrison Ford and Hamill. In the 70s, Ford was the charismatic and cool one. Right now, Hamill has way more charisma than Ford.


I am also dumbfounded that there is a group of people that thinks he’s out of line standing up against Disney... he’s not even being too extreme about it. Whatever happened to “fuck the man?”


The people attacking Mark are the same people that like Disney’s Star Wars. They also love defending Ruin Johnson and Rose is their second most favourite character.


People that like “shiny” and “sexy” things. I bet their taste in music is horrendous too. It’s not worth debating these people cuz there is no fucking debate, and they are multiplying. Their kids are born retarded too.




Well, he's trying to level up on Social Media. And, checking the SJW and other left-leaning boxes are what's going to get him more followers. I personally had not heard him talking about this stuff before the new trilogy came about. So, that's why it seems calculated.


Hamill is a hack trying to stay important anyway he can. He is a has been and was never a good actor.


Well, even if what you said was true he’s still way more “important”than any of these new assholes. And if you think he’s a “hack” then you are going to be disappointed when you finally realize that there are other hacks that are way hackier and mark “hacks” Hamill is not even in the same league as those hacks.


yeah he is way worse than a lot of other hacks. How many great movies has Hamill starred? only three star wars movies way back in the day nothing else.


If I'd starred in the 3 best Star Wars movies and nothing else I would consider myself a success.


I wouldn't be so sure. In recent interviews, John Boyega has barely disguised the fact that he's none too pleased with the outcome. He even stated that he can't wait till he can speak freely about the ST. Yes, he's overtly paying lip service to the movie, but that appears to be only due to contractual obligation/NDAs


Portman trashed the prequels as well for people thinking she was a horrible actress


Portman's an actress?


Ha ha. I think she's okay, but not great.
