This will happen to C-3P0

So, they are all in a bad spot, so 3P0 volunteers to kamikaze himself for the team. They then arm him as some sort of a bomb (thus the red eyes) and as they are prepping him he "takes one last look at his friends."



More likely because Lucas still gets a percentage when it comes to sell toys. Disney wants to replace every character (or ship) with their own, so they get 100% of fees.

They're likely to end dead and replaced by some new robot, like the feminist-droid in Solo.


I'm surprised (or perhaps not) Lucas still getting a cut from anything from the old movies rarely makes the mainstream movie news. Take that into account, and suddenly much of what Disney's doing to this franchise makes a lot more sense. :P


And it's not only about toys. Lucas has a percentage in theme parks too, I guess depending on how many attractions reproduce old scenes or characters. That's why Disney tried to use only characters and locations from the new trilogy in the new Galaxy's Edge theme park. They backpedaled (partially) but the theme park has been a failure nonetheless.

They're discovering (the hard way) that it's better to get 80%* of a big pile of money that 100% of nothing.

*I don't know the percentage, just making up a number


But no one wants the new toys.

Toys R Us has gone out of business because of it.


I heard Lucas say, or some podcast say about his contract, that Lucas gets 25% on all Original Trilogy merchandise.

Disney, knowing the 'people' that run them, would rather have 100% of nothing than have cash chiseled from their greedy greasy hands.


I know right? SICKENING what Disney has done to our beloved characters!!! They KILL OFF Luke, Han Solo, Ackbar and reduce screen time of C3-PO, R2-D2 and Chewbacca! Yet, they introduce Rose Tico, Holdo and the annoying Finn as well as keep alive Leia Organa, who's actually passed away in real life and was the WORST of the original trilogy to still possess that magic (acting skills, etc.) in the TFA....... But Rose Tico......... I can't believe they WASTED 1+ HOUR of screen time in the TLJ of her SJW endeavors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You idiot....🙄🙄🙄. Harrison wouldn't do it unless Han was killed off and the producers said at the beginning that the focus WOULD NOT be on the OT's not Disney's fault you are a moron Fannerd. .


You Klown...... w/a Kapital "K" !!!! Mark Hamil, Carrie and Ford were assuming that the sequel trilogy would FOCUS on them as the main stars and introduce new characters towards the episodes 8 and 9...... They didn't even have a scene together (Luke, Leia and Han) in TFA and Disney TRASHED the original Canon from George Lucas's vision! The Last Jedi did HORRIBLE and Disney is freaking out........ Harrison Ford would've stayed on for MORE MONEY........ YOU MORON!!!!!!!!!!!




You nailed it, and I'm not even a diehard fan, but I still hold fond memories of seeing ANH at the theater when I was young.

There were a 1000 ways they could have got the old gang and new gang together as a ragtag team thrown together by fate or The Force, and together they could have headed-off a threat from an attempt to reconstitute The Empire, and then handed over the reins to the new cast as the old gracefully retired as heros.

The way they did what they did was pure spite and hatred of what they saw to be as a white male franchise.

Hopefully, Disney loses their a$$ on this in an even bigger way than they already are.

Folks, quit spending your money with them, and for god's sake, quit programming your children with their f'ed-up movies.

There was no excuse for any of this.


Oh boo hoo. Stop trying to live your past childhood. No matter what they did you still would be bitching that it was not like when you were a kid....🙄🙄


I didn't spend any money on this, and judging from the box office being far below projected, a lot of other people didn't either.

So it's no skin off my back if you're so shit stoopid to use your SNAP card to buy tickets to this train wreck rather than food - and shortly you'll be able to buy it on Blue Ray so you can watch it every day from the comfort of your trailer couch.


Sorry you idiot that is absolutely false. Harrison wanted Co top billing and his character dead by the end of the film. It was stated even before filming that it would not focus on the original trio. The actors knew this. Though Mark Hamill did expect a bigger role.




We know from the first trailer he gets high af at some point.



A C3PO bomb? Dunno about that one. I like my C4-20 theory better.


I love (hate) the theory that says C-3P0 gets possessed by Palpatine.


no, they download "aggressiveness" into his memory, which is why he uses the bowcaster


Hollywood might be a bunch of loons but they're not pushing a suicide bombing agenda just yet.
