I had to pick myself up from laughing uncontrollably.

This film will be amazingly terrible. Even worse than tlj - which takes a deliberate and concentrated effort to achieve ... surely.


Maybe the Millennium Falcon will go underwater like the Enterprise did.


I've just seen the final trailer, and I can't believe how far they've come with the special effects, considering the endless reshoots. Yes, the horses are there on top of a SD, but how are they breathing? It looks like it's in the nebula with the other SDs.



The Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker trailer moves on to an unexpected shot of the Resistance racing through a Star Destroyer on their equivalent of horses. No context is provided for this scene, so it's impossible to say what's going on, but it's so very true to George Lucas' original vision for Star Wars. Lucas was strongly influenced by the Vietnam War, where a scrappy bunch of freedom fighters held their own against the military might of the United States. There was a complete mismatch in terms of technology and firepower, and yet the US was unable to triumph. This image speaks of the same kind of power dynamic - and of the same unstoppable spirit. Notice that Finn appears to be leading the charge.

Holy shit. They're fucking justifying a scene with horses galloping on a Spaceship because of.... the Vietnam War! Mainstream Media is becoming a parody of a parody LOL




Wow, these shills are totally batshit.

Here's another article at the bottom it links to: "The Star Wars Prequels Are NOT Better Than Disney’s Sequel Trilogy"

My god. Either they are legitimately absolutely retarded, or their whole goal now is to just piss off people by writing absolutely retarded articles for clicks - probably a bit of both.


At the end of the rainbow there may not be a pot of gold waiting for them, but surely some solid $$$'s along with warm words from The Mouse.


To be honest, I consider both the new prequels and the new trilogy similarly bad.

BUT... the prequels were honest. Lucas tried to narrate an epic tale about the Annakin's fall from grace, taking Copppola's Dracula as inspiration. Sadly, it failed. But at least it was HONEST. It wasn't there to lecture anybody, it wasn't there to indoctrinate anybody. It didn't copypaste. Lucas did his best... and it didn't work.

The new trilogy is not only a failure. It's not only bad. It's disgusting.


I am of a similar mindset - the prequel trilogy was a disappointment and has many flaws, but it didn't totally shit on Star Wars and its characters. I can enjoy those films for what they are, and they've grown on me over time. They have a certain charm, and I continue to rewatch them despite their issues.

I cannot watch this new trash. It's an absolute travesty on every level - a deformed half-dead clone manufactured by a soulless conglomerate, designed to generate revenue and push certain social agendas. The flawed prequel characters look like 3-dimensional sculpted masterpieces compared to the senseless cardboard cutouts of these new films. Finn makes no sense as a character, a total contradiction. Poe is a cheap Solo clone with absolutely none of the depth. Rey is an empty shell of perfect and stagnant unlimited ability - no personality, no growth, no emotion.

You can strip the prequels down and the story is still solid and makes sense - not so with the "sequels". The story is nonsense down to its core, with the only clear focus being wanting to get back to Rebels vs. Empire ($$$), regardless of how illogical it is. I'm not sure you could fuck up this franchise anymore if you were actually attempting to... and it wouldn't surprise me if that's what Ruin wanted, in particular. What an absolute mess.


Yeap. Agreed. The prequels can be rewatched provided that you lower your expectations. And they have some quite good ideas mixed with its flaws.

The new trilogy is just un-rewatchable.


I agree, I am not the biggest fan of the prequels (rots is not my fav prequel for example) ... but you can actually watch them.

I saw tfa maybe 3 times but have only seen tlj and solo once. I have been able to watch RO multiple times however.


Say what you like about the prequels, there is at least a continuous story across the three movies that does lead into the OT. The plot line in Disney's movies is just all over the place. Only Rey seems to have a story-arc. Not that I care where it goes tho.


Jesus H Christ. Space horses galloping on the side of a ship with zero context is symbolism for the Vietnam War??? Will they say the Porgs are symbolism for Nazi Germany next?


The mental gymnastics in play here are incredible.

10.0 10.0 9.8


How could you possibly forget the ARVN cavalry charge on the flight deck of USS Enterprise?


The scene itself is kind of cool. But that's not Star Wars. That's some other space fantasy epic. Like that's a great Spelljammer scene.


Doesn't matter to me. I'm not watching this crap anymore.
