Here's an idea, SW writers: NO SKYWALKERS in future movies!

We had a whole trilogy dealing with the immaculately-concepted Anakin - done!
We had a whole trilogy dealing with his son, Luke - done!
We will have a whole trilogy dealing with Rey- errmm... who is Rey related to Skywalker-wise again?

The point is, the Skywalkers are DONE in Star Wars. Almost all the previous movies have centred around one or both of them, and it's getting BORING now! The premise of Star Wars is of an entire GALAXY at war, with different combatants and so forth, but the premise is always WAR. We have thousands of potential species and millions of potential characters to deal with, but the movies have always centred around the same main bunch of characters whose actors, frankly, are ageing and dying off.

How about, with these two new trilogies, we eschew the old established characters and set out to replace them with ALL-NEW characters, and make no references to the old ones altogether? Not even cameos! It would breathe new life into Star Wars and maybe, just maybe, rescue the movie franchise from the pit of oblivion it's currently plummeting into.

Of course, it might accelerate the decline, but then that would be because no Star Wars fan wants anything new, just the same old, same old, same old, over and over and over again.

Then again, maybe not. Surprise me!


I'd agree. RO was my favorite of the current releases for that reason;even if Leia's in it it's like for what, twenty seconds ?


you do know that Episode 9 is the last film of the skywalker saga right? the two new trilogies with have nothing to do with the skywalker saga.


Hopefully, it will be the last ever Skywalker movie. But as I said, they may continue to reference them frequently in these two upcoming trilogies.


the two new trilogies will be separate from the Skywalker saga and they will have nothing to do with the skywalker saga.

so I don't think they will reference them in the two upcoming trilogies.


The skywalker saga began with episode 1 and ended with episode 6 , that's fact


Yep, Styles, that's how I see it, too. Definite start with Phantom Menace, and lovely conclusion with Return of the Jedi. That's it.


no. The skywalker saga began with episode 1 and ended with episode 9.


I refuse to acknowledge 7 thru 9.


Nope , if we take its natural course , the Skywalker saga as lucas saw it was 1 to 6, fathers and sons , thats the story here , there is no story to tell about them after episode 6


Here's an even better idea - no more SW movies!


Lol! Two new trilogies? As if!!
