Rey will destroy Palpatine in E9

This is my theory, anyway.

During the course of this movie, our so-called "heroes" (except Lando, who IS a hero) will discover that Palpatine survived on the Death Star II, and that it will actually be up to Perfect, Flawless Rey(TM) to destroy Palpatine where Anakin and Luke failed, making HER the ultimate Skywalker. Luke will show up as a Force Ghost at some point to state that in his meditations in the Netherworld of the Force, he discovered Rey's true lineage, that of a Skywalker, so that will be that mystery solved.

It will be perfect for SJW Lucasfilm, Kennedy, Johnson and Abrams, and a rallying cry for feminists and Identity Politicians throughout the world, that "a female heroine CAN beat everyone else", despite Rey being badly-written and developed. They will practically worship Rey as a Goddess, in fact.

In the meantime, they will have accomplished Kylo Ren's mantra in The Last Jedi, saying "let the past die, kill it if you have to" by doing the above, and at the same time alienating enough of the original and even prequel Star Wars fanbase to disown and walk away from the franchise in droves, leaving Star Wars to be the new poster girl for Feminism, Identity Politicians, Diversitarians and plain old Social Justice Warriors, and in the end, Star Wars will be just for them. As they wanted from the start. And the shill critics will laud the movie as the best ever Star Wars, whilst finding further ways to shut down dissenting comments.

It's really the perfect plan.


Actaully, it makes sense. Rey has already beaten Kilo, Snoke, fooled Luke and being praised by Yoda for that. Basically, she's by far the most powerful jedi in the universe.

Either they create a new super-super-villain, which would be weird given it's the third movie, either they bring back some powerful jedis from the past so she can have some fun beating them.

Yoda, Qui-Gon, Obi Wan were good, Darth Vader was supposed to become good at the end, so the most likely option is Palpatine, who fills all the checkboxes: he's bad, extremely powerful, and a white male. Perfect material to be the new punch bag for Rey.

Beware Episode IX, the Rise of the Mary Sue XD


It’s like she is Roman Reigns and Kennedy is Vince McMahon.


Rey will defeat Palpatine in E9. but she won't do it alone she will team-up with Kylo Ren. Ben will redeem himself and return to the light.

Rey and Kylo Ren will destroy Palpatine for good in E9.


Until they subvert your expectations 😂


There is no redemption for murdering the most beloved character in Star Wars.


My guess is that Palpatine will be a force ghost training Kylo. Rey will turn Kylo after they duel and somehow they will banish Palpatine's force ghost and have a Skywalker who is alive and a Jedi. This brings the Skywalkers back to the light and mirrors the end of the Return of the Jedi.

Maybe Palpatine and Luke have a force ghost battle too!


Yup. This is definitely the plan. And I mean, I bet they sat around having meetings literally mapping this out. It was always their intention from the beginning to remove the toxic male fans from the fanbase. I still have no idea why Disney bought a property where the main fan base and merch purchasers was grown men.


Kylo puts on his mask, becomes Darth II. Palpatine reappears, becomes his new mentor, laughs evilish. Rey shows up, fights Kylo, AGAIN, beats him. Palp makes force lighting shtick on Rey like did with Luke. But Rey manages to overpower Palp on her own, throws him down the shaft, AGAIN. Voila.


It’s like poetry. It rhymes.
