how pissed must Hamill be with the new trilogy?

Ep7 = cameo
Ep8 = kooky hermit. stays on island whole film. then just.. dies/fades away for seemingly no reason
Ep9 = cameo

instead of:

Ep7 = main role. Jedi master overseeing new Jedi order. tries/fails to defeat the rising 1st Order/loses ben to the darkside. exile.
Ep8 = 10y later. goes out heroically at the end trying to stop KyloRen (Gladiator/Maximus style). Oscar nominated/wins best support actor.
Ep9 = Force Ghost. helps guide Rey to defeat KyloRen (& Palpatine) so pretty much same as TROS


would have loved to hear that oscar speech. lol


'I want to thank George, Carrie..' *pause* looks above..


When did George die? 😋


Right after he saw the turd trilogy 😋


Doubt he cares as much as you


Ok..that is his job, he is an actor but, in this case I have really the feeling that, apart from the reasons before mentioned, he loves to have been Luke Skywalker and for this I could believe that he's not happy at all with the destiny of "his" Luke in this trilogy.


He got paid well, if ungrateful, fuck him


Waiting 30+ years for that crap, after being fed bits of information by Lucas back in the 80's.


agree... although he is a piece of shit himself

but your scenarios are way better for sure


Wow that tweet was such a low blow..


What a dick move, attacking a child on twitter.


those kids (ok maybe ridiculously wealthy etc) going to have such a hard time in schools etc and just watching any SW in general.. knowing the main star of the saga just completely dissed them lol

Then again maybe it wont be too big a deal as can just focus on Marvel instead lol (I imagine most kids are into MCU over any really old SW movies ..and can't imagine the new trilogy is seen as that 'cool' in playgrounds either ..Rey/Finn/Poe/Old Luke/Leia over Ironman/Cap/blackwidow/Thor/spidey etc.?)

The whole Hollywood v Trump stuff is getting really boring now anyway. Anytime an actor etc moans about DT its just cringe.. Most celebs probably have little to no clue about politics and just do it for likes/RTs anyway


Most celebs probably have little to no clue about politics and just do it for likes/RTs anyway

Yep, they are airheads mostly, I really doubt they watch or read too much political, same with most people who post outrage on social media.


I'm no maga fan of trump or follow American politics much but I have to admit he never fails to raise a smile on my face whenever I see him on TV/twitter (and for winding up all the wokes/sjws and lefty mega rich celebs who know what's best for everyone and are screaming for The Return of Obama/Clinton etc) so long as he dosnt start WW3 lol


Same, I'm not American either, but it amuses me when lefties go batshit crazy about him over social media, sad that Trump derangement syndrome is a worldwide thing, I know a few who suffer from it unfortunately.


What? A couple 'children of wealth' from seedy rich families on both sides taking some shit - families who made their money the old fashioned way, criminal activity?

Yeah, Hamill doesn't come-off looking good, but if the family doesn't like it, they can move back to their home country, after all, they are dual citizens.


He's obviously not a Trump Supporter. I won't hold that against him. He's entitled to his political opinions


this was not donald Trump though


Yeah I unsubbed from him after that.

Dislike his political opinions taking over his social media, like him as an actor though.


As crazy as Hamill is on his twitter feed, he and his character deserved much better than what they got. JJ is not too sharp for only having him in as a cameo in the Force Awakens and Rian is an imbecile for making Luke toss away his father's lightsaber he lost on Cloud City decades earlier and then finally killing him off.

At the very least, that entire Canto Bight casino baloney could have been replaced with Luke Skywalker leaving his hermit planet and sneaking onto the Supremacy, facing down Kylo Ren himself, Obi-Wan style.


He probably cleared at least 10 mill from the whole deal. Probably shit tons more.


Not if he was paid relative to screen time. Disney Ould have bent him over anyway since it's not like he is a star in demand - he needs these gigs.


hamill is a disgrace
