How many love triangles and romantic interests were there?

Everyone seemed to have a crush on someone else that someone had a crush on.

Was Rey supposed to love Finn? But then she kinda liked Poe? But then she kissed Ren? But then Finn got into the Black girl, and she clearly was into him. But then Rey-Finn-Poe had a three-way. (Don't pay attention to the random lesbians kissing in the background.) I feel like there was some kind of droid love going on, too (?). So then Poe loves a Spice girl. Black girl is left in the lurch so Lando sees an opportunity and becomes daddy mack. Some chambermaid lost her love, Leia. But the true lover, R2, was there. And what happened to the chubby Asian girl's crush on Finn? They all continued to treat Chewbacca like a dog.


one thing is for sure though the african american did not get to hold hands with the white girl, typical disney, empowers women and feminnazis, but still racist like a imperialistic british colonist


Rey was so empowered that every dude and droid was in love with her but she just friend zoned all of them and stuck with her lightsaber dildos.


lol brilliant




I was eager to see who played the hot Spice girl and then saw it was Keri Russell and thought, of course it was!


JooJoo just threw her the role for some easy money so she didn't go public with all the things she did with him to get and keep the Felicity role.

What, she had a faceshot in the helmet, a couple hours recording vocals in the sound booth, and .5% of the backend gross.


Finn, Poe, Claud


Who the fudge is Claud.


The tentacle alien slug


At least he got some feels from her.


Oscar ISsac says he wanted Poe and Finn to be Gay Lovers.
Rose Tico was in love with Finn

the Emo guy wanted to violate horsegirl


When did Kylo Ren meet horse girl?


I can't recall but he had her strapped and tried to invade her mine. Idk what anybody sees in horsegirl


For Finn, she was a step down, but for old Billie D, she was a step up.


Let's see, Rey and Darth Emo sort of fall in love, with an unbelievable setup and thirty seconds of requited passion. Finn meets a girl who's obviously his soulmate, and at the end she wanders off with Lando. Poe spends the whole film flirting with Mask Babe and tenderly hugging Finn, and gets nowhere with either.

Did they hire J.K. Rowling to write the romantic parts of the script?
