After Rewatching all the trilogies...I think the Prequels are the best structured....

...And thought out. I actually enjoy them more than the ot....the world building Lucas did with them astounding and very detailed. Something we didn't get with the other two trilogies. ROTS is also my all time favorite SW....


Yes that's somewhat true it also play the rise to power politics better if we're talking about Sidious/Palpatine.

But the two early films fail with Anakin Skywalker for the first one I personally though kid Anakin was a bad idea at most he should have been a teenager with some piloting skill. In the second one the Titanic love story wasn't really good and casting Hayden Christensen was terrible (I admit he got better by RotS, but still bad) there was too much CGI.

By the third film they managed to understand the bad things about the previous films and made a course correction RotS is one of best films in the saga.


That's why I love Clone Wars. Clone Wars fills in all the Anakin character development, and his relationship with Obi-Wan. Once you've seen all that, and just view the movies as bookends around that story, the entire experience if very full and rewarding.


Well Anakin had natural piloting ability as witnessed in the film. Was it corny, yeah but Star wars is know for corniness. Lol

Still though overall I really enjoy them and I immediately want to watch ROTS when I'm in a Star Wars mood. That past Saber Battle is great ..
