Still can't believe Disney botched this trilogy so badly.

What a freaking train wreck. It's ludicrous that Kathleen Kennedy still has a job at Disney after this debacle. She hired directors who actively undermined each other. The cinematic whiplash we all had to endure due to the tug-of-war between Abrams and Johnson is comical.


Even bad Disney fantasies can make money.


It's actually not surprising if you look into what was going on behind the scenes. Part of the problem was, not many people knew that Kathleen Kennedy started out as a glorified gofer; someone to fetch coffee and take down notes for Lucas and Spielberg. The fact that she had a few interesting ideas was what got their attention, and she sucked up to enough people to get "assistant producer" credit in a number of famous, highly successful films. She also lied to Lucas when she said she'd "take care of his baby" in 2015 and do everything she could to do right with his franchise. Lucas apparently didn't know her at all, and was completely in the dark as to what kind of a feminazi bitch she was when it came to her views and beliefs, particularly about all the white male heroes that had been featured so prominently in his films. The moment Lucasfilm was signed over to her, she took all those promises she made, threw them out the window, and completely shat all over Star Wars in the name of her own wants and desires. She was so petty she even had a poster of Luke Skywalker in her office that had a big red X on him. That's how twisted she is.

However, despite all her bravado, KK doesn't know a damned thing about running a studio, or really making movies. She was awful at all of it, and didn't seem to understand what her real role in all of it was supposed to be, and basically had two stupid beta male directors make her 3 billion dollar fanfics that pissed off much of the world. I feel sorry for Daisey Ridley in particular, because she was a total pawn in this horrible woman's schemes, and had no idea.

KK is so deeply entrenched with the Hollywood elite that it's scary. If anyone even thought about firing her, she'd figuratively burn the place down with all the skeletons many big-wigs have in their closets. The only way Star Wars is gonna be healed if her cancerous self is removed from it, and due to the fact that she's merely in her 70s, we'll have to either wait 30 years for her to croak, or she'll eventually get bored and retire. Trouble is, bitches like her have a tendency to live way too long for their own good.

The only punishments she's gotten include nearly destroying the franchise, losing her cherished all-female writing staff, losing billions of dollars for the studio, losing creative control over all the Star Wars projects that are now currently in production, letting Favreau humiliate her by writing a show that was 10x more popular than her entire trilogy (and on a way smaller budget), getting the ire of every hardcore Star Wars fan on the planet (save for the young, stupid ones that somehow like that dumpster fire of a sequel trilogy), and basically revealing what a heinous bitch she is.


Good point about poor Daisy Ridley, she was just an actor chosen for the role, its not really her fault that her character was terrible.


I have no horse in the Star Wars race, but I gotta say that is one helluva post! 👍


I feel sorry for Daisey Ridley in particular, because she was a total pawn in this horrible woman's schemes, and had no idea.

You assume that KK had a scheme, which is false. KK is not mentally able to develop a plan to steal a bike from a 10 year old, let alone scheme something that involves things like pawns.


"she even had a poster of Luke Skywalker in her office that had a big red X on him."
Is there a reliable source for this? sounds crazy.


Considering what she had done to him during her shitty films, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. She's a bitchy, man-hating feminazi. And not a very creative one, considering she stole the old 1970s phrase "The future is female" and changed it to "the Force is female." *rolls eyes*


Yep, also not planning out and scripting the entire trilogy from start to finish before the cameras even started rolling on Episode 7 was a terrible idea.

You know they’d messed up when they’re having to overuse fan service for episode 9.

For me the sequel trilogy is the most expensive misfire of a trilogy in all of Hollywood history. What is this trilogy even about? The storytelling is all over the place and just has so much stuff that goes nowhere except to kill off all our favourite characters.


I wasn't crazy about 7 and 8 but I did kind of like 9 for it's nostalgic feel. It pays a lot of homage to SW fans that seems to have gone unnoticed by many of them simply because of their undying hatred for episodes 7 and 8.

Still, as disliked as the ST is, there's a good case to be made about them being better than the dreadful PT films. Don't get me started on those. **eyes roll**

But episode 3 (RotS) wasn't that bad though, I did like it.


The Rise of Skywalker was the worst of the bunch. The reoccurring line, "The Emperor is back... somehow," was like a running gag in a comedy. Nothing made sense. There's nothing wrong with dumb entertainment, but The Rise of Skywalker was dumb entertainment.


Opinions vary. I still liked some aspects of Rise but it's not as good as any film in the OT.

That being said, I think that's the biggest issue with both the PT and the ST, they just don't live up to the OT but how could they? The OT were very entertaining films. Although, as stand alone movies, more people would've probably liked the ST though.

Still, the general consensus is that people did like the ST, the fan ratings are pretty solid.


With the whole Trilogy being so bad it just makes it easier to ignore. I saw each movie once in theaters and I'll never watch them again.


All they had to do was storyboard all 3 movies, its not that hard. But all we got was a rehash of the OT.


It wasn’t a train wreck from Disney’s point of view.

The films were profitable and Kathleen Kennedy got to promote militant feminism, adding to Disney’s body of wokeness.


The 8 Star Wars Characters Wasted By The Sequel Trilogy

A breakdown of the characters in the Star Wars sequel trilogy who had their potential squandered the most, and why they were wasted opportunities.
