Honest Trailers | Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker



Too little too late. I don't even have to guess if these were among the same "mainstream/popular youtube & social media platforms that shilled hard for TFA when a number of us could see it for the garbage it was. Most of the major problems with TLJ & TROS were inherited & thus were set up for failure.


"Honest trailers" doesn't shill for any movie, good or bad. They just make fun of all films by pointing out their obvious weaknesses. It's good-natured humor.

I believe there are "honest trailers" for all the Star Wars films including TFA and TLJ too.


Generally true perhaps but there was mass pathological denial/hype surrounding TFA upon its release that virtually everyone, especially popular media platforms were terrified of properly critiquing it and handled it with kid gloves.


Other popular media have nothing to do with "Honest Trailers". They're honest about how crappy the films are.

The Force Awakens

The Last Jedi



Several months had passed from the film's release so the hype had died down some by then when they released that video with a somewhat more playing it safe, in the middle approach. They did at least acknowledge some of the obvious issues with TFA like shamelessly ripping off A New Hope & Rey being a complete Mary Sue but still referred to it as "the best film of 2015" which is hilarious in a bad way.


"the best film of 2015"
That's called a joke. The videos are supposed to make you laugh.

I enjoy watching the "Honest Trailers" treatment each time I see a movie. The Star Wars one is funny. I never thought of Luke's Death Star attack as filled with sexual innuendo.


If it was a "joke" it was played straight and had no punchline. They still played it fairly safe but otherwise it was still humorous.


I see what you are saying, the number of flaws that were overlooked or ignored (or the 'I enjoyed anyway' crowd) in regards to TFA was frustrating. TFA IMO is and was one of the worst big budget movies I have ever seen. It took a great franchise with deep mythology and metaphors, imagery and archetypes as well as a great story with multidimensional characters and turned it into a mindless explosion focused, empty wish fulfillment characters, boring uninspired rehash banking on nostalgia alone for success and made the more akin to Transformers or the Fast and Furious franchise; dumb mindless over the top action. And around 85% of people just went along with it and said they enjoyed it or even loved it.

I think people were just so burned by the prequels and so excited about the Sequels they just could not admit to themselves how bad it was. The same thing happened with The Phantom Menace. It took about 2 or 3 years for a majority people to start saying it sucked. With TFA that trend seemed even worse.

That being said, honest trailers was one of the only really honest takes on TFA when it came out; sure it was done for more humour than actual criticism but they at least acknowledged the flaws. People like Red Letter Media were the one's that pissed me off, after what these people did to the prequels and bashed them completely unforgiving but then did this 'well, TFA was enjoyable' routine; I lost so much respect for many channels and critics during this time. But it is okay, I found even better ones.
