Other Characters Exist in The Sequel Trilogy Besides Rey & Kylo Ren

its the truth can you Toxic Reylos and #SaveBenSolo'ers cool it and see the big picture Kylo didn't survive Trevorrows Duel Of The Fates Either



Are you high? 😂


I looked at the cast list of the Sequel Trilogy and considered Kylo Ren to be the UGLIEST mofo I've ever, EVER seen in a major movie series. Ever.

I didn't like Rey, neither, she looked far too posh to be a scavenger.

However, I think Poe is OK, and so is Finn.


Finn had more potential than anyone but was mitigated to comic buffonish side kick to Rey. Kylo had potential to be an interesting villian (the idea that he could be using the dark side to accomplish a goal a la Darth Revan) but became completely directionless and inconsistent and was always a reactionary character to Rey.

The Sequel Trilogy was all about Rey, Rey, Rey. The plot events and characters were all centered around her and the plot bent around her character; instead of the other way around. Every bit of potential was undone to give Rey unearned and undeserved special spotlight and focus.


Somebody else should have been the lead Horsegirl is too fugly


Horsegirl and Emo Man Child are the worst characters in SW
