Original Trilogy-only fans are too blame and are the main reason we got horrible poorly written unoriginal trilogy.

They hate everything after Return Of The Jedi, they think the Originals were oh so perfect with no flaws whatsoever, they think anything Star Wars-related that doesn't involve Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Stormtroopers, Ewoks sucks and that's a big reason why they hated the Prequels because they had much better lore and and much better lightsaber fights and special effects.

They think Star Wars should never evolve beyond what their precious cheesy black and white movies they grew up were with and or never try anything because they geezers who want to hold onto everything from the 60's, 70's and 80's forever. Their the type of guys that think The Beatles are still the greatest band ever and their favorite TV show is the original Star Trek.

They WANTED this trilogy to be nothing more apology letter for Episodes 1-3 and they WANTED these movies to be nothing more than a giant Original Trilogy-rip-off, just like they seriously thought bringing back the old cast was a good idea even they were old as fuck and Carrie Fisher wasn't even in good health to return.

Even if these movies were A LOT like the Prequels but with better scripts, better acting and better dialogue and execution, they would have HATED them still because it wasn't a carbon copy of the Original Trilogy.

This is why no one likes Star Wars fans...except well Star Wars fans. Oh well...who cares the Dragon Ball franchise this overrated franchise out of the water and replaced Star Wars as the "Star Wars" of this generation years ago...




The Beatles keeps being the best pop band till date. Star Trek OS is way better than almost every American series right now, and Star Wars OT is better than any Hollywood pop-corn movie last years.

So what?

Deal with it.


It's okay to live in the aftermath of a culture explosion. We're never gonna climb that high again. Frankly, I don't know how the hell it happened in the first place. All that incredible movies and music and literature. It's unreal.


It lasted three centuries. Music in the late XVIIth century and XVIIIth century, music and literature in the XIXth century and early XXth, cinema and music and literature since the 30s till the 90s.

And then, ploof! gone... movies are shitty, music is shitty, literature are romance novels. The black woman that won the last Hugo didn't even know how to articulate a fucking speech, her speech made people feel embarrassed. Robert Silverberg was called racist for saying that out loud.

It's gone because western culture has changed. It won't be back. What it was, it was. It's finished.


Silverberg's still alive? Awesome. He wrote great books. haha that guy always spoke his mind.


He has style. This is what he said about the speech:

I have not read the Jemison books. Perhaps they are wonderful works of science fiction deserving of Hugos every year from now on. But in her graceless and vulgar acceptance speech last night, she insisted that she had not won because of 'identity politics,' and proceeded to disprove her own point by rehearsing the grievances of her people and describing her latest Hugo as a middle finger aimed at all those who had created those grievances.


Jesus. I mean that whole thing is a mess. Well i'm glad the the Get Woke Go Broke movement is destroying literally everything.


Not literally. Sounds like maybe your sanity, your ego, your manhood or all three were already destroyed in order for you to make that conclusions, "literally".


Well. I read that online. It must be true.


True, its destroying only thos who get woke.


>"It's gone because western culture has changed."

Spot on! Too bad so many people fail to realize it.

P.S. Hugo awards have literally banned a bunch of writers for not being "diverse enough" to make the less popular/inferior writers have a chance. They have been a joke for at least 3 years now.


How, exactly, have the Hugos "literally" banned a bunch of writers. Do you have any idea how they are run? I doubt you do.

And I do know how they are run. I have been on Worldcon committees and I have run the divisions that plan the event.

Simply put, any member of a given year's worldcon or the worldcon of the previous year, may nominate in any category, listing up to five nominations for each category.

Once the nomination period is concluded the finalists are determined using a weighted counting method. That method is complex, but what is does not allow is any consideration for the author.

Once the finalists are determined the members of the current Worldcon only may vote, using what is called the Australian balloting system. This is also a weighted system. The winners in each category are announced at the Hugo ceremony.

It is possible for "no award" to win. Every category must have "no award" as an option.


Your historical reimagination is pretty common of conservatives. they always look back to a time that didn't exist and glorify very specific (often incorrect) features of it.

yes movies before the 90s were the best and after sucked... If you ignored all the horrible trash before the 90s, and forget all the amazing ones after the 90s...


Eminem's Encore (2004) is literally better than The Beatles' entire discography combined and that's not even one of his best albums!!!


Go eat some more Tide pods, child!


People can have opinions, but anyone who unironically thinks this should just log out forever.


Your comments are poison. Burn your mouth asshole shut so you can shit diarrhea in your own head.


While i would agree that in the rap genre Eminem would be the best artist to pick, he hardly could win against The Beatles. But you dont need to take my word for it. Here is a poll showing The Beatles as the most popular band: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/6017922/Beatles-still-most-popular-band-in-US.html


Old school 40-50+year old SW fans .. are a 'force' to be reckoned with..


We want new stories, set in the exact same visual setting, that follow the established rules. It's super not hard. They just don't want to make those movies.

Disney makes product. Star Wars is the art of a once passionate filmmaker. You can't mass produce art.


Indeed, it was literally a free kick handed to them but they scored 3 own goals ... Somehow.

It literally must have taken a deliberate and concentrated effort to screw it up so badly, it's actually amazing.


Stop whining like a baby , the sequel trilogy is better than the prequels


I can't speak for other OT fans but all I wanted was a well-written, well-acted trilogy that properly honored the original characters. I didn't ask for an OT rehash with a poor man's version of the OT trio: Rey, Finn and Poe (who don't have even an ounce of the charisma or chemistry that Hamill, Ford and Fisher had as a trio).

I didn't ask to have the OT's impact undone by this trilogy. I didn't ask for a poor man's Darth Vader rehash with emo garnishing (Kylo Ren).

I didn't ask to have Luke, Han and Leia disgraced, reduced to insignificance and not allowed a single scene together.

Don't you lump us all in together and don't you sit there and defend horrid writing, directing and "by committie" level decisions with "It was all you OT fans!" accusations.

This is one of the stupidest defenses of this idiot Disney Trilogy I've ever read and I actually feel like I've lost IQ points from reading it.


"Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul."


Well, the good news for you, judging from the under-performance at the box office of Solo/TLJ/RoS, Lucas has successfully alienated a sizable percentage of the old hardcore fanbase that used to spend a shit load of money on supporting the franchise.

There's nothing left to do now but to rebuild the fanbase with hip insightful people like yourself.

So you should be out there spending lots of your own money to let Lucas know that they're on the right track!

However, since of those old fans were all geeks & nerds, how could they have had so much influence over the new 'enlightened' mainstream fanbase like yourself in the first place?


Lucas had nothing to do with this disaster. You mean LucasFILM.


Of course I fucking meant Lucas Film, Jesus Rey Christ, go play high school English teacher somewhere else.

Lucas, himself, is a now a eunuch - so completely castrated that he couldn't even get his cut past Iger!



OK, calm down, it's only a bunch of movies.


Just joking with you Foebane, it's all good.


Actually, I think the new films were made without any attempt to please the hardcore old-school fans, and I think that was a financially sound policy.

Face it, they hate everything that isn't the original trilogy, so there's nothing to be gained from trying to please them. They were going to whine and rage about anything new, regardless. So the new films were made for casual fans and mainstream audiences, who outnumber the hardcore fans by at least a million to one. That's where the money is, the complainers are too few in number to matter to Disney.


But it seems from the shaming attempts during TLJ, that Lucas & Disney still wanted the money of the old fanbase.

Unfortunately for them, nagging & shaming your customer for money like a personality disordered wife didn't get a lot of traction.


Oh, the old fans would still pay to see the movies, they couldn't complain and rage online unless they've seen the films they hate so much!

So really, Disney had absolutely no financial incentive to make any effort to please them.


I agree that they will pay to see the movie, but I disagree that they will pay for the collectibles - and the collectibles is where the money is at.


But we're still talking about a very small number of people, probably not even significant in the world market for high-end collectibles rather than toys. And I suspect low-quality toys is where the real money is.

Don't mistake the amount of noise they make for numbers, or financial significance.


If those hardcore fans weren't significant, why would the studio even bother mentioning them, much less calling them names?


Everybody likes to call them names! It's a natural human instinct!

For sane people, anyway.


Oh yeah trying to negate the point so you can pretend there is no argument. You are an actual child.

You aren't even a SW fan so why do you care about disney 'Mary Sue wins the day wars'?

What a loser.


What absolute total and complete nonsense otter


>I think that was a financially sound policy.

Then why has the movies underperformed so badly?


Yeah. Trying to alienate a pre-existing fanbase while hoping younger fans latch on to an old franchise is a terrible idea.

The Creed movies did it right. They pay tribute to the original films while following a younger cast of new characters so they keep the base while creating new fans.


Much truth in your post. Thumbs up!
