What Was Your Audience's Reaction When The Movie Ended?

Usually people applaud when a movie is really good. And something historic like the final chapter of a 40+year story should command some type of reaction. My theater was very quiet. Some people began using their phones. I had the impression most people didn't like it.


46 people were silent.
32 people applauded.
10 people stayed until the end of the credits.
3 people mooned the screen.
2 people threw their food at the screen - specifically, a half-eaten hotdog and leftover nachos.
1 person urinated on the screen and was arrested outside the theater.
1 person died in his seat of old age at some point during the film; and his blank expression at the end can, therefore, not be considered a reaction.



I masturbated in front of the screen. Ppl liked it. A few women joined in.


In my theatre anyone not old enough to have watched Star Wars growing up clapped. Those that were did not.
