Just awful for the most part.

Such a bad movie. I see a lot of movies and this has to be one of the worst I have seen this year.


Even worse than "Cats"?


Didn't see Cats and probably won't.


See, Cats looks so over the top committed to its own absurdity I think it may be brilliant.


You didn't see it.


I agree, typical of Abrams in general, except this time he exceeds his own regular pace to speed by the convoluted story.

Abrams' trick is to bamboozle you with epic and arresting visuals and action that flows by so fast that you don't have time to think about the illogical aspects of it all, and he's successfully utilised this trick for the Star Trek movies AND now Star Wars.

Abrams is basically a three-trick pony: breakneck pacer, mystery boxer extraordinaire and lens flare specialist. There's nothing else he can offer.


And not necessarily in that order, but spot on.

I wonder why the writing for these films is so terrible, did they recruit a brand new team of writers or something? Since TFA nothing has made much sense.


For TROS, JJ Abrams (hack) and Chris Terrio (hack) joined forces to deliver the biggest piece of hack writing in the history of movie making.


So you have experience working in the film industry?


Just saw it, and really liked it. The sequel to TFA that I wanted. Plus, it was a huge Fuck You to Rian Johnson and his garbage ass film. However, the trilogy is still a failure. It's just a shame JJ didn't direct the 2nd entry as he wouldn't have had to do all that damage control.


What fun is a movie that gives you everything you wanted? This movie is worse than the prequels or The Force Awakens(which I hated). I didn't think a Star Wars movie could suck as much as this one did.


Since the franchise has gotten really bad, I'm glad that it's over.


Me too.



I agree, it's very obvious that giving the second movie to Rian Johnson was a bad idea. Killing off Snoke and Luke were the two worst things Rian could have done for the story of this trilogy, especially when Carrie passed. They could have delayed The Last Jedi another year and rewrote and reshot it so that Luke survived. It's something I really wish J.J had retconned, like Luke is so powerful he didn't die and just pulled a Gandalf.

Heck if Palpataine survived from the second Death Star exploding I'm sure J.J could have made it so Luke didn't die from Skyping himself across the galaxy (a truly lame death for the character.)
