IMO, the backstory evolution is looking obvious AF - Last update 7/17

I agree with the popular Rey Palpatine theory 100% and have loved it since it appeared post-TFA.

My full prediction:

Rey is a hightened Palpatine clone, except he didnt want a female version. She was snuck into Luke's Jedi school to destroy it, but she was not falling into line with being all Palpatiney (her Dark Side was not natural as Palpatine wanted to believe perhaps), and Kylo was sent with his team to wipe it all out.

Kylo could not destroy Rey because he rightfully sees Palpatine, with Plagueis, as the "fathers" of Anakin, aka his great grandparents... This includes clones of Palpatine. He is loyal to the point where it becomes inconvenient to Palpatine.

Thus, Kylo did not kill her, and instead hid her on Jakku with suppressed memories.

Snoke was maybe a failed, or too-successful, overly powerful and uncontrollable Palpatine clone that was supposed to be destroyed perhaps, but was lost and went rogue outside the known system. Perhaps originally intended as a backup. Or also, perhaps he was 100% working properly as a backup, and his gnarled appearance made him look completely different from his genetic source of Palpatine.

Palpatine in ROTJ was itself a remotely operated clone, controlled in a way that is similar to Kylos connection w Rey in the last movie. And WHO connected Rey to Kylo? Snoke. The power Palpatine uses to control his clones may depend on them being clones, being the same genetic material he is, so thus Snoke AND Rey can both do that, can both control from afar, as they are both Palpatine's genetic material. Together, Snoke can force Rey's inherent power to connect to Kylo, and capture his mind, but only to speak, not to control him. REY is the one being controlled and forced to connect.... Because REY, Palpatine genetics, is being controlled by Snoke, just like Palpatine controlling a clone puppet style.

Maybe Snoke is rogue because he can do this as well as Palpatine can, so Palpatine can't control him. That's why Snoke has power over Rey and why he knows who Rey is from the START.

This is solid stuff, and even the Snoke as Clone element is not my idea, I just included it all in a cohesive theory.

AAAAND what does Luke do in Last Jedi? Remote Presence. Just like Palpatine with a clone, but Luke needs no clone and is not using it to control! He was using the LIGHT SIDE version of the same power that Sidious/Palpatine is using on the Dark Side in this theory!!! How cohesive is that?

Here, at the end, we will finally meet the original, still living Sheev Palpatine aka Darth Sidious. Probably Ian McDiarmid again with no makeup just like in the prequels.

Clone strategy is his version of Plagueis' immortality ideal.

7/17/19 (actually first posted this yesterday the 16th):
Lastly, the title: Rise of Skywalker.
What brought about the rise of the Skywalkers?
Palpatine aka Sidious. (Plus Plagueis... would love to see him show up suddenly!)

Calling this entire setup right now.


Unfinished words and bountiful typos were my prizes for posting this on my phone in blinding sunlight. Anyway, it's better now...


If Rey was in Luke's school, why didn't he recognize her?


Because she would be a 5 year old female gender Palpatine clone.... (The strategic concept, from Palpatine's POV, is that she was put there in the hopes her Dark Side would take over and poison the school)

He would not recognize her, not at all. No reason for it. Especially since she doesn't know what she is.

Perhaps you got a different impression from my description which caused this question -- I want my topic to be super-clear, so please let me know why you asked this in case there's something I didn't explain properly or something I didn't think to include.

Thanks! You're actually the right person to be error-checking this for me, seriously. We've had our ups and down but you're a smart guy, I know you are.


Question: Are you thinking of my Plagueis/Palpatine "great grandfather" as a genetic link? Because it is not.

From what I understand, Anakin was a nearly unintended consequence of Plagueis and Palpatine attempting to create a new Force-sensitive life form.... Even though they thought it looked successful and their "created son" Anakin did turn evil, at first.

But you skip that generation, and... Luke.

Anyway, there would be no genetic connection between Luke and Rey, only between Palpatine and Rey. No genetic connection between Palpatine and Anakin, obviously, of course.

Maybe that clarifies it for you? This is assuming I have figured out your question (which actually prompted me to add this info to the topic).

I feel like this backstory would TRULY bring the entire 9 part saga together, as JJ promised, and with Lucas helping to write this ending, AND Rian Johnson.... I think these three know what they're doing.

Rian Johnson is still not a very good director, though, and he sucks at logic. I don't like him, but hey, I didn't like JJ before TFA either.


Okay, I'm getting a better feel for the theory. Not bad.


Thank you, Im sincerely glad you are getting into it!


You just made me realize: The generation skip!

The spawn of Vader are more powerful but not unstable like him.

The clones of Palpatine are garbled versions.... until he finds that changing the gender resets the genetics.

But it then causes the same generation skip: A female clone of Palpatine is more like a daughter. Rey is more powerful than Palpatine yet more stable, exactly what Luke is to Anakin.

In fact, Rey may not be a clone. Rey may be Palpatines sole naturally conceived child!


I updated one of these paragraphs, tell me what you think... The genetic part is more important than I was thinking before:

Palpatine in ROTJ was itself a remotely operated clone, controlled in a way that is similar to Kylos connection w Rey in the last movie. And WHO connected Rey to Kylo? Snoke. The power Palpatine uses to control his clones may depend on them being clones, being the same genetic material he is, so thus Snoke AND Rey can both do that, can both control from afar, as they are both Palpatine's genetic material. Together, Snoke can force Rey's inherent power to connect to Kylo, and capture his mind, but only to speak, not to control him. REY is the one being controlled and forced to connect.... Because REY, Palpatine genetics, is being controlled by Snoke, just like Palpatine controlling a clone puppet style.

Maybe Snoke is rogue because he can do this as well as Palpatine can, so Palpatine can't control him. That's why Snoke has power over Rey and why he knows who Rey is from the START.

This is solid stuff, and even the Snoke as Clone element is not my idea, I just included it all in a cohesive theory.


Intreasting , very interesting, i like it , good post


One more addition to the OP -- The PROOF!

AAAAND what does Luke do in Last Jedi? Remote Presence. Just like Palpatine with a clone, but Luke needs no clone and is not using it to control! He was using the LIGHT SIDE version of the same power that Sidious/Palpatine is using on the Dark Side in this theory!!! How cohesive is that?


Lastly, the title: Rise of Skywalker.

What brought about the rise of the Skywalkers?

Palpatine aka Sidious. Plus Plagueis, but he's history but if he showed up and killed Palpatine, ooooweeee!

I would be a geek in that seat.


Zero chance Rey is a clone of Palpatine. Look at that guy-- he's Barfarama. How could his clone be a gorgeous woman?

Also, it's just kind of silly, isn't it? Rey a clone? Of Palpatine?


I don't think she is a clone, I think Snoke and Palpatine's ROTJ body were clones.

I think Rey is:

In fact, Rey may not be a clone. Rey may be Palpatines sole naturally conceived child!

Time to guess the mother... he kept Padme's body alive so he could use her womb maybe! Yeesh that's creepy but it would be cool.

Get some guesses going, come on....


Snoke a clone of Palpatine I can believe.

Rey related to Palpatine i seriously doubt. I think she could be a Kenobi, or maybe part Ewok. They're cute like her. Palpatine is gnarly. I could buy that Yoda and Palps are kin.


That's why I went for clone at first, because it's like she is genetically "perfected" as much as possible.

But the clues and the way this integrates with the story and the trailer for ROS makes me think it's pretty close to fully accurate.

It's a solid argument/prediction, IMO.


Luke came from Anakin/Vader.
Anakin/Vader was made by Palpatine/Sidious.
Maybe Rey was made by Palpatine/Sidious too.

That mean Rey is to Palpatine what Luke was to Anakin!

It's really elegant, IMO. I didn't come up with this idea, FYI, I just noticed it!!!


I like it


Grazie, Signore


Palpatine wasn't a Mary Sue, so your theory is false.


Rey isn't either, so maybe he's correct?


Rey isn't a Mary Sue, that's funny.

Do you also believe the Earth is flat and the moon landing was fake.

Rey not a Mary Sue, that get's me evrytime lol


I know that you and a couple dozen others love to spout the Mary Sue fantasy, but give it up already. The notion has been soundly disproven time and time again. You do get points for projecting-- flat-earthers and moon landing deniers fall right into your wheelhouse, so lashing out with those shows a bit of extra desperation on your part.


Rey is not a Mary Sue on face value she just is.

No one has disproved anything, it is just your opinion and a poorly argued one at that.

At no point in either movie has she failed. She hasn't overcome any struggle, any hardship, any issue what so ever.

Her hero's journey was basically. "Ohh i am jedi, i instantly know everything and am completely undefeatable by anyone of any skill level or knowledge. I can fix anything, i can accomplish any task or solve any problem". end of journey before the first movie has even finished.

No knowledge of the force, mechanical expertise, flight training, lightsaber skills but instantly knows them all, literally knows them all.

Everyone argues about the training Luke gets is minimal, fair point but at least he had some. Rey has received zero training, i cannot say that more simply than absolute zero training in the force or lightsaber technics.

Not a single minute of force knowledge or training but can command multiple force skills.

Not a single minute of lightsaber knowledge or training but can defeat a sith master at her first attempt without breaking sweat.

The above 2 statements are completed before the first movie has finished.

If you believe Luke is Gary Stu which there is a case then Rey beats him for the Sue title hands down otherwise you are just defending her becuase your an utter fanboy.

That's all im gonna say not even gonna bother looking at replies due to you and Frog being basically utter Fanboys and almost shill like when it comes to these films, it is quite funny actualy how you think the new Disney ones are better than the originals, its sad.


With certain types it's like talking to a brick wall on this issue so I no longer bother for the most part. Rey is as much of a Mary Sue as it gets & that's saying a lot. To act like that fact is some fringe, conspiracy is laughable.


Rey is a mary sue at face value, and so is Luke, a gary stu.

Both fit EXCEPT that these mary sue ideas apply to HUMANS not superhuman Force people!


Rey is a mary sue at face value, and so is Luke, a gary stu.

Both fit EXCEPT that these mary sue ideas apply to HUMANS not superhuman Force people!


My theory is that the whole Star Wars saga has been a dream from Bobby Ewing after falling in the shower.
