MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Here's the big question we should finall...

Here's the big question we should finally have an answered....

Who is Anakin's father? We know that its not the emperor, and we're fairly certain that it isn't one of the main characters from the prequel trilogy (i.e. mace windu, liam neeson, darth maul, etc.) because that would have been revealed. And we also know that his father is not Vader, because Vader is Luke's father and I don't think the writers would double up on that one.

I'm thinking, after seeing rogue one and understanding that a new Han Solo spinoff is coming, that Han may be Vader's brother, and that they share a common father (Maybe Obiwan Kenobi). I always thought that Vader has some hard feelings toward Han, especially during ESB when he coated Han in the iron block and shipped him back to the bounty hunter's hideout. Never really explained why all of that was necessary.


theya already answered that in ep 1. anakin's father is the force.


Yeah...and Jehovah was Jesus' father...


You are not a true Star Wars fan if you didn't already know it's been answered...LMAO...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Not so sure about his father being the force. Last time I checked, it took a man and a woman, (not a woman and gravity, a woman and electromagnetism, etc.) to create a human offspring. I fail to see how "The Force," which I understand is nothing more than billions (or trillions) of dust mites, could accomplish this feat.


You do know Star Wars isn't real right??? It can do whatever it wants with creation of a human being...


Then they should make some sort of Star Trek tie in. Have some sort of galactic time machine constructed by Darth (insert name), who entered the time pod to escape the incoming rebel forces led by "Bill Skywalker." He leaves Darth Vader, his trusted Lieutenant, behind and travels into the future, where he falls in love with Counselor Troy, and in secret they have a child. Once the star trek red sun begins encroaching on the planet, they design another pod to assist the boy in his escape. "He will be an outcast" Troy will say. But Darth ____ responds, "No, he will be powerful." Then they send him through the glass ceiling, but shortly thereafter his escape pod is consumed by a black hole, and he is teleported back the 45 B.Y. (before yavin) where he lands on a desert planet and is taken in by Schmi Skywalker. Flash forward to the future, and there is no "Bill Skywalker" because of the boy's appearance on that desert planet, and it is discovered that he was, in fact, Anakin Skywalker. And the rebel forces are actually being led by Luke Skywalker, who is much more competent than Bill was. And Darth Vader yells "Noooooooooo" as he sees the incoming x-wing fighters, who are now joined by the Enterprise commanded by Captain Picard (who also got caught in the black hole and joined up with the rebels, and it the big "twist").


There's a fan theory floating around that Snoke is Anakin's father. And that either he's very long-lived and has been involved in the story from the beginning, or that he time-traveled back to visit Shmi.


Shmi's explanation as to how she got pregnant was extremely suspicious, and Qui-Gon not questioning it further was a little bizarre. In reality, she and Anakin would have been bought and taken to Coruscant to meet with the Jedi Council. Instead everyone, including Padme and Anakin himself, forgets about her for ten years (yes, ten years) and it takes nightmares for Anakin to finally return to his mother.

In Episode III Palpatine details how midichlorians are manipulated to create life, telling it to Anakin, and smirking as he does it to imply he was fully involved with the creation of Anakin. Who's to say he didn't just sedate Shmi and do the deed himself when no one was around...

Very sad and still unexplained. I kinda like the Snoke may be Anakin's father theory, because it would properly wrap the sequel trilogy into the prequel trilogy, but alas Snoke will probably end up being someone we've never heard of and has nothing to do with Palpatine and the old Empire.


I am not sure I remember but wasn't there a prophecy that backed up the whole force Jesus birth?


Maybe Snoke created the prophecy as a way to manipulate the Jedi, before he created Anakin?


star wars is mythology. mythology has virgin births and people dying of a broken heart. if you aren't watching sw as mythology you're missing the whole point.


Han can't be Vader's brother. That would make Han and Leia related by blood (uncle and niece).


Don't see how that would alter the tone of the series. Leia already French kissed Luke. On the other hand, it could that Vader and Anakin are somehow linked, like father/son, but then how is Kyle Ren the grandson of Vader, when Han is his father?


Have you not seen the whole saga yet?


I've seen bits and pieces of the older ones. Seen the newer ones all a couple times. Where do you find the older ones?


You can rent them from a library, buy them in bulk at Wal-Mart, or order them all in the mail through Amazon. The reason I asked is because I noticed you said "It could be that Vader and Anakin are somehow linked..." If you have really watched the prequels a couple of times already, I thought you would already know what the connection was. I don't want to spoil the movies for you, so I won't say what it is.


No I watched the ones that came out in 2015 and 2017.


Oh, I get it. Watch the original six movies. They tell you the truth about Anakin and Vader. It's not a secret, it's been out for years; I'm just not telling you because I don't want to totally spoil the movies for you.


Man you're really nice. I feel like I should tell you now that I'm just screwing around. It seems like you took a good bit responding to me.


I suspected you were joking, but didn't want to jump to conclusions.
