Freeing the space horses question

I've only seen this once at the cinema at time of release but am I remembering this correctly:-

Finn and Rose free the space horses and gee them on their way with lines like "go now, you're free". Then they run off to return to their ship, tears of contended joy in their eyes at their amazing rescue.

However, we then see a really pulled back far off view of the horses running away up this cliff side where they are obviously going to be rounded up pretty shortly by the chasing guards...

Did this happen?


No, they were killed and left to rot, much like the kids they left behind.


they were killed and left to rot

Wouldn't the space French have enjoyed eating them? A nice space horse steak...


Yep, the space horses were definitely rounded up and the children are still slaves. They didn’t “make them hurt” they mildly inconvenienced them, the slave children are definitely going to be the ones to clean up that mess in the casino.
