Please stop hating on Kathleen Kennedy

She didn't ruin your childhood. She GAVE you your childhood. I mean, look at all the films she has produced in her career, alongside her husband Frank Marshall: E.T., Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, The Gremlins, Goonies....just about everything you watched as a kid.


So she gave us something great only to snatch it away and shit all over it 30 years later? That seems unnecessarily cruel


She is one of the all time great producers, in my opinion. I don't understand the hate.


Uh, you realize she had absolutely nothing creatively to do with those films, right? She was essentially just a hanger-on of Frank Marshall. Again, zero to do creatively with those films. Literally any other producer could have taken her place.

You really sound like a complete fool.




“Producer” in the movie biz is an amorphous term. Some producers are a key part of the creative team, some are investors and deal makers, and some — like Kennedy — are basically project managers.

Nevertheless, her accomplishments have been considerable.


only insecure man-babies hate Kathleen


Only pathetic sjw fanboys support Kathleen.


She didn’t ruin my childhood, but she has ruined Star Wars.


Can we hate menopause?


Sounds like we owe her husband respect for what he did. And now that she isn't just an assistant, we can judge her by what she does as well. She has been judged.


She is a textbook example of the Peter Principle — she rose to the level of her incompetence.
