I saw The Last jedi this past weekend.

First a bit of background on my Star Wars movie fandom. I'm not a super die hard fan of Star Wars, but I am a fan. I had some of the toys as a kid, and watched the original trilogy over, and over. I still have some toys even to this day.

I do like the prequels, and was hyped to see each one. I found each one to be entertaining, and I couldn't wait for the next one. However I do not hold them in the same regard as the originals. I realize they are flaws films, and I can understand why people don't like them.

I was entertained, and hyped to see TFA, and enjoyed the movie on first viewing. After repeat viewings I dislike the film more, and more. I like Rogue One much more, and really enjoyed that movie.

How ever I was not hyped to see TLJ at all. I was way more excited to see Thor: Ragnarok.

I went Saturday night to see the TLJ, I knew the movie had a fan backlash, but stayed away from all reviews, and commentaries on the movie. I went in with my guard up so to speak.

So here is what I liked about the movie.

Po taking on the big dread naught ship in his x-wing
Seeing Luke with Yoda again
Kylo Ren (He is the only interesting character in the new trilogy)
Seeing Mark Hamill play Luke again.
Kylo Ren basically getting bitch slapped by Snoke with force lightning.
Chewbacca cooking up the Porgs to eat.
Rey and Kylo’s battle with Snokes personal guards

Here is what I didn’t like about the movie.

No training real training sequence for Rey.
All the set ups from TFA, didn’t pay off, and went no where.
Lukes death, and handling of his character.
Snoke being killed off like a punk.
Leia’s fake out death.
Captain Phasma a potentially cool character wasted.
The Porgs, only put in the movie to sell stuffed toys in Disney stores.
Benicio Del Toro wasted on a character that went now where.

I’ve only seen the film once so I might pick out more things I like, and don’t like. However as it stands it was an okay movie. I didn’t hate it, but I left the theatre feeling let down. Also not excited to see episode 9.


I will be disappointed if Benicio Del Toro isn't in chapter nine. I believe he has a bigger role to play. Otherwise, you are right. It was just a pointless cameo.

I would disagree on Snoke's death. I understand that it subverted expectations set by TFA but I see it as thematically significant. Johnson is definitely rejecting the notion of a super-powered evil that requires a hero to destroy and instead portraying evil as more insidious and petty that is better handled communally through teamwork and inclusion even of those tempted by the dark side.


I would agree with you if they didn't go out of their way to build up all this mystery around Snoke in the TFA. Also things JJ Abrams said about the character, and things set up in the Star Wars novels aftermath series. Unless they're going to do a Snoke stand alone film or something.

Who is going to be the main bad guy in the next film? Kylo Ren is more of an anti-hero now more that a villain. He is the most popular new character of this trilogy. I have a feeling he'll turn back to the light in the next film.
