

Where fvckin' Snoke got his power!?And basically where the fvc' is Lando he should have been the one going Kamikaze into the FO fleet not feminazi Purple hair even Admiral Ackbar would have been better...but Disney proved that they hate the Originals and the Prequels



And yet your most powerful example, Luke, had negligible training that lasted at most a few days.

He never even trained in how to fight with a lightsaber and yet he took down the all powerful Vader, who had been using a saber longer than Luke had been alive.

Luke also used a Force Pull at the beginning of Empire even though he'd never seen it done and couldn't know it was possible.

Oh but Luke isn't a Marty Stu wish fulfillment character, ONLY Rey, right?

Why is that? Oh, because you're intimidated by a vagina.


It took Luke YEARS to learn what he did...YEARS!!!! Rey, 1 minute. Therefore she is a MAREY SUE!!! Enjoy, Frogass!


Here's some REAL WORLD Mary Sue girl-power crap:

Look at that, she even shoots down Beethoven because she must be a man-hater.

She's been musically gifted since she was 3? Yeah right, I don't even remember being 3.

Total feminazi fantasy bullshit right there.


The piano player is a cut and dry Savant. ENJOY!!! At least she has an excuse. Rey, well, she's a MAREY SUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


>Look at that, she even shoots down Beethoven because she must be a man-hater.

Reading Disability Alert

She doesn't "shoot down Beethoven"; Beethoven isn't even mentioned in that article. Assuming you mean Mozart, she doesn't "shoot him down" either:

"Of course, I love Mozart and I would have loved him to be my teacher. But I think I would prefer to be the first Alma than to be the second Mozart."

Your comparison is, of course, asinine, given that this girl has had years of training and practice. No, she didn't do anything impressive at the age of 3 the first time she tried anything musical; it was only impressive relative to her age. It wasn't until she was 10, you know, 7 years later, that she had her first major musical accomplishment, which was the same type of accomplishment Mozart had at the age of 10.


Are you trying to embarrass "Frogorama" or humiliate her? Because you just humiliated the hell out of her intelligence. Sweet!!


There was a high concentration of midichlorians in the bread powder mix she ate on Jakku

