Completing Kylo's Training

The thought of this has me wondering what such a task would involve. More lightsaber combat emphasis? Greater focus on his mental and telpathic feats? Both?

If we suppose that Ben turned to the Dark Side of the Force and became Kylo Ren shortly after the events of "Bloodline" then I think we can suppose that Kylo has been under Snoke's tutelage for six years (Not counting the years of whispering in his head and warping his mind since Ben was a child). Was Snoke really waiting six years just to see if Kylo would be "strong" enough to kill his father? If Luke had spent six years with Yoda, his power in the Force would have verged upon incredible. Why would Snoke wait for six years to complete Kylo's training unless he didn't trust Kylo and wanted to keep Kylo "below" himself (in terms of power)? Maybe he's afraid of him.

Some wonder if Luke might be reluctant to train Rey. I wonder if Ben may feel the same thing regarding Snoke. Reluctance. To me, his regret over killing his father was obvious. I think it's safe to say that Kylo Ren will make the journey to Ahch-To at some point. Whether for vengeance against Rey, or to capture her, or to find Luke himself.

If Kylo decides that he wants nothing further to do with Snoke, a journey to Ahch-To may possibly have entirely different motivation for him.


Well, if it were Sith training, we might be able to talk about what types of exercises are involved, but since there "were no Sith" in TFA, hard to say. I would think that it would be similar though, considering that it's still dark side training. So: physical torture, psychological torture, lies, trickery and the like. And yes, there must be additional fencing training because Kylo sucks at it compared to a Sidious or Tyranus.

Most important is that we need to see this onscreen. Can I get an amen?

Regarding why Snoke hasn't completed the training yet: there are so many possibilities, it's almost impossible to start. Yours is a good and likely scenario, although I'd curb it to only that Snoke sees Kylo as a device to be used, not that he necessarily fears him. The timing of everything might actually be the real reason in the training lag. With Luke out of the way and the rest of the Jedi dead, perhaps it just wasn't priority for Snoke to increase Kylo's power. He may be involved in some very serious behind-the-scenes stuff.


The idea of torture being a key part of the training does make sense on a deep level. Getting the body used to feeding off pain. Breaking the will. Breaking the spirit of Kylo. Regardless of what we actually do see, I do think that we will see something. Kylo will not train with Snoke simply by speaking with Snoke via hologram, especially since Snoke specifically told General Hux to "leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren."

Regarding swordsmanship, the point you make is more than fair, though to BE fair, I would say most would not match Darth Tyranus in terms of fencing ability.

Snoke sees Kylo as a device to be used,

This seems to be very likely, and it would be consistentwith what Han has told him. Yet more reason why I am hopeful that Ben will break free of Snoke and eventually "go home".


I would say most would not match Darth Tyranus in terms of fencing ability.

If you were to take strength, agility, and the hodgepodge of Force abilities that are employed in light saber duels out of the equation (you can't, but if you could), and were to discuss strictly fencing, yeah, not even Yoda, Sidious or Anakin could touch Tyranus. He was nearly flawless.


I think that han solo was looking at Bens situation with nostalgic glasses

Remember that han seemed very uninformed about snoke


Snoke only fears the Jedi and his only interest is either wiping them out or in Lukes case he'll settle for isolating him until he dies naturally. Ren is simply a pawn and if Snoke knew Luke was dead then he'd probably have Ren offed as well. Its just not in Snokes interests for Ren to become powerful. That is until the force 'awakens' and Snoke realises he will need Ren fully trained and onside.

Personally im happy if theres a time jump before viii and Ren is fully trained. This is when star wars episodes work for me, when characters have changed since you last saw them and there is a renewed sense of intrigue about what they have been doing and how they have changed. For me this continues the mirror of Luke when he returned as a fully trained Jedi.
