It sucks that Carrie died at just 60

Now they have to work around that in Episode IX. That would've been her last Star Wars movie. Good thing Episode VIII finished filming.


Now that its official I restate my question presuming she wasn't planned to die in this film could they potentially go back and take care of it in reshoots if it could be done and with care id rather her absence not be explained with some throwaway line


Well whether they reshoot, or say it in between films. Episode IX is pretty much gonna have to say that she passed away. This new trilogy really is about the original characters dieing..bummer


I honestly think they are just gonna release the movie as is. I would like to see Liea just survive the entire movie. Worry about a CGI appearance or just say she died in the follow up.


Yeah sad.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Not necessarily. Leia could be alive and working behind the scenes as the head of The Resistance. It's a big galaxy after all!
