MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Will Leia's role be rewritten/re-edited ...

Will Leia's role be rewritten/re-edited during post production.?

I kind of get the feeling she was originally slated to be in Episode 9 but sadly that will change.

I would hate to think that Leia will an off screen death between the events of E8 and E9 and rather see a heroic onscreen death even if it means rewriting and re-editing her role for Episode.

Other than that, a really sad day. I loved Carrie Fisher's wit and humor and her presence will be sorely missed next year during promotion.


It will be interesting to see how they re-work the plot for future films with her death. I really hope they don't kill luke off.


If they kill Luke off just so the new cast can benefit from the "torch" being passed from one generation to the next while Hamill is still healthy and happy so soon after the REAL-LIFE tragedy of Fisher's death, then that would be an absolute disgrace and highly disrespectful.

How does it feel to be deconstructed?


If they kill Luke off just so the new cast can benefit from the "torch" being passed from one generation to the next while Hamill is still healthy and happy so soon after the REAL-LIFE tragedy of Fisher's death, then that would be an absolute disgrace and highly disrespectful.

Huh? How do you figure?
Killing Luke Skywalker in a movie would be disrespectful because of the death of an actress who doesn't play Luke Skywalker?

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


It's because Luke is part of the "Big three" cast of the original trilogy. They already killed off Han, Leia has to die because of a real life tragic event and now if they kill off Luke to complete the triad of casualties, then YES, it will be disrespectful.

How does it feel to be deconstructed?




pretty sure the torch was already passed in the last one?


The torch....of what exactly? Luke has been made into a loser and a coward who built and lost an entire Jedi order and never rebuilt, and then he abandoned everyone with his self-exile.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


I'd like to see Leia (has to be CGI) sitting in a dark room, staring blankly at the wall. The door to her room opens and you see the glint of light hit the walls. She's still shrouded in shadow by the figure standing in the doorway. The camera pans to the door and we see the outline of a hooded Kylo Ren. His face is in shadow and we can see he's holding his lightsaber.

The camera pans back to Leia and suddenly the sound of the lightsaber ignition and the room lights up with an eerie red glow. She doesn't look at Kylo. She doesn't even speak. She continues to sit there, but now she changes her position from hunched over to sitting tall and as strong as she can.

The camera focuses in on Kylo Rens eyes as he steps forward. You can see Leia through them and the red glow of the lightsaber. End scene.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


I'm sure they'll probably re-work something, but having Kylo kill both of his parents feels unnecessary and counter-productive.


Yes, I would rather see her die in a heroic blaze of glory.


Ehh, sounds corny. Episode 7 was corny enough. We should learn from its mistakes. They need to dial back on the actions and explosions and devote more time to the characters. TFA suffered much because of the constant action and explosions. It's following a really dumbed down formula in cinema today.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


I see it as poetic. He killed his father. Now he's killed his mother (who also happens to be a major general in the resistance). Kylo wants to sever all ties to his family, pushing him more into the dark side and making him more powerful.

Maybe he will go after his uncle Luke as well and any offspring he may have. Killing Han and Leia would also be a powerful reason for Luke to really return and seek justice for any mistakes he's committed.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


The Light Side of the Force is still calling Kylo home though. If he stays dark and ultimately dies, the Skylwalker bloodline dies with him. "Rey Skywalker" is, in my humble judgment, too convenient of a fix that would make Ben's struggle meaningless.


I don't think Rey is a Skywalker (I hope not). But Disney will probably go with the most obvious and cheap plot imaginable and just force more action in anyway.

That doesn't mean that Luke can't or doesn't have children. Maybe we haven't met them. Maybe they won't be important until the next trilogy. I don't think Kylo Ren will be the one to carry on Skywalker legacy. Nor should he, regardless if he comes back to the light.

As for Kylo's redemption and finding the light side, that's always on the table. No matter how far into the dark side he is pushed.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


I don't think Kylo Ren will be the one to carry on Skywalker legacy.

In all due respect, I disagree. That to me would be a part of the reason for him turning back to the Light Side of the Force again. That, and he would feel and know in his heart that it was the right thing to do. It would be what he ultimately wanted to do.


I must be honest. I have absolutely zero interest in seeing more or less the same plot of the originally trilogy carried out again. So far, were 1/3rd of the way there.

There are plenty of different reasons why somebody might realize their mistakes and find or seek out the light. Let's try some of those. Let's enter new territory. Let's take plot risks and not continue to produce the same content again and again with a slightly different label slapped onto it.

What exactly is the problem with Luke carrying on the Skywalker legacy with a redeemed Kylo (if we must go down that route), helping his cousins and Uncle?
I personally find this more interesting.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


As per Han, Luke was training a new generation of Jedi, all well and good...but I would think that if Luke had any children, someone would have mentioned them between Jedi and the 30 years to TFA. There was no mention of children. I doubt he would have left them alone to go spend six years on Ahch-To looking for something.

What's wrong with Kylo living, turning and re-emerging as Ben to help his Uncle?

As for why Kylo would turn?

He knows it's the right thing to do. His father was correct. He decides not to be a slave to Snoke anymore, and may even take his own personal "monster" down. Add in compassion for Rey turning into mutual love and let them carry on the bloodline.


Unless his children died in the massacre by Knights of Ren. Or more interestingly, Luke believes they died. Maybe the light part of Kylo encourages him to take Luke's children, secretly and places them somewhere else in the galaxy. They end up being what brings him to the light. That would be a neat twist, reflective of Luke being Vaders son in Empire, without being too similar in the same vein as ANH and TFA.

That's one idea that took 10 seconds to think up.

The fact that no mention of children by Han took place is irrelevant. He obviously distanced himself from Luke and Leia. It makes sense he would do the same for Luke's offspring, if he were even aware of their existence.

For all we know, Luke currently has children on that island.

My point is, let's not limit ourselves to rehasing. Think outside the box. So much could be done. Let's not follow the same old stuff.

"He knows it's the right thing to do. His father was correct. He decides not to be a slave to Snoke anymore, and may even take his own personal "monster" down. Add in compassion for Rey turning into mutual love and let them carry on the bloodline. "

I'd like for Kylo to remain a grey character, an anti-hero of sorts. Somebody capable of compassion and heroic deeds, but also who remains more of an independent villain. We really haven't seen that in Star Wars yet. We have already seen the villain be redeemed and come to the light. I'm interested in breaking new ground. So the problem with Kylo being redeemed is just that, it's entering safe territory. Star Wars never became what it is today by staying safe.

Besides, if anybody is going to follow Ben's footsteps, it will be Luke.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


She still could appear in Episode 9. They could CGI her like they did Tarkin for Rouge one.

I was under the impression she was going to die in episode 8 anyway. With the rumors that she has a "bigger" role in this film.


From everything I've read AgentSparkyX, they probably won't have to rewrite much.

Some sources say she is supposed to pass away in E8 which is the motivation for Luke to come out of hiding after training Rey, I've also read a bunch that say Luke dies in #8 and causes Leia to go into seclusion, Plus even before she passed away, the final theory that makes the most sense is that they both die in episode 8 sacrificing themselves for the new characters (ALA Alex Guiness in EP IV.)

Thing is, we probably won't know much for a while. The only REAL thing we know is that neither Carrie or Mark were signed on for EP IX, so a lot of it is speculation because well, they could have signed on after this 8 comes out.

The one thing I can guarantee though is that there is NO way she'll have an off screen death. I mean with technology nowadays, she might be in episode 9 for a short bit (like Tarkin was in Rogue One), but as a CGI / Hologram etc. But there is no way Disney would kill off such a huge part of the franchise with an off screen death. There would be riots if that happened.

RIP Carrie, you were such a wonderful person and gifted actor, writer, screenwriter, playwrite, and above all else, were such a kind hearted and loving person.


They'll have to rework some things for sure, as they would have likely been doing reshoots/pickups in the spring once the rough cut of the film was finalized.
They' also need her to do her voice looping.

I did hear a solid sounding rumour that: Read on at your own risk

she dies in Episode 8. Laura Dern's character takes control of the resistence after Leia's death.


Unless they, coincidentally, killed her off, per script, in VIII, the chances are probably she would have played a reasonably prominent role in IX.

What they COULD do, however, now that Carrier has died, is tweak the script to provide some kind of dramatic death for her. Obviously not on camera, but incorporating some of her final scenes from the script into some kind of mission she would embark on, but never return from. It might be more climactic to kill off her character in VIII, as opposed to some gratuitous mention in the early part of IX (the characters' reactions could still be featured, primarily, in that movie)

"Make America HATE again!"
- Paraphrasing Donald Trump


They won't change anything in episode 8 because of Carrie's passing. They finished filming before hear passing and that won't effect episode 8, but it will most definitely effect Episode 9 for sure.


If she survives Episode 8, I don't know how I'd feel about Leia's death being explained or simply mentioned in the opening crawl for Episode 9.


They will write her off or say that she died between films, UGH I hope Luke lives til episode IX

Lose the Game!!!!!!!
