They have to rework the ending

Now Leia dies in this.


Yep, pretty much.


I expect the resistance to get almost wiped out anyway.

So it just a matter of adding one line.


It really depends on what the original plans were her role on tfa was minor enough as it is

You must die in order to live.


Who cares, they are invincible with Mary Sue on their side. You know she won't die, and by the end of 9, she will crush Snoke under her feet.


There was the theory Snoke was tiny for ages, so seems legit.


Yeah, it will probably end up like the Wizard of Oz. Finn must be the cowardly lion.


I read somewhere Jodie Foster was a choice for Princess Leia. Maybe she could be the new Princess Leia. I am getting worried about Stan Lee as people are dropping like flies this years as that man is 93.


Jodie Foster was a choice for Princess Leia. Maybe she could be the new Princess Leia.


I am getting worried about Stan Lee as people are dropping like flies this years as that man is 93.

It's better to die at 93 than at 60.


Who could then play Princess Leia. So many people to get worried about now. So many died in 2016 and so much work this past year I bet for funeral directors. This era should be called the Tragic Ages.


I don't see anyone taking over carrie fisher role.


Sorry, Leia is pretty iconic. There's nobody that is going to be able to fill in those shoes. They'll have to reboot the Star Wars stories in 30-40 years time with a new cast in order for people to accept other actors playing character roles kind of like what they did with Star Trek.

They'll tie her death into the storyline I'm sure, but to recast would be a horrible idea.

I just hope they don't go CGI mad like they did with Tarkin in RO.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


They have to rework the ending, they need to have her get blown up on a ship or something because to just make up something about her missing in episode IX would just ruin the movie.


Leia will likely have an off screen death. I wouldn't be shocked if Episode IX opens with her funeral.
