Disney will capitalize on her death

I bet Disney execs are holding parties right thinking about all the people that will come to the theaters just to watch Leia one last time.


Oh yeah Im real sure Disney is celebrating her death because it will sell more Episode 8 tickets.........

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


Sure, we'll see it tomorrow after box office results from tuesday come in... I'm really interested in 'Rogue One' performance on the 3rd weekend...

To be honest - they don't have to do a thing. People themselves are very, very sentimental. No one will have to push them to see 'Rogue One' again, only because Carrie Fisher has died today. News reports will do the job for Disney.


I was talking about Episode 8. They don't have to do anything indeed but the movie will be released within a year, be sure that they will remind everyone that Carrie Fisher is in the movie, even if it's only two minutes.


be sure that they will remind everyone that Carrie Fisher is in the movie, even if it's only two minutes

I assume the audience is going to see more of her than just two minutes. And they still don't have to do a thing. They'll show her in the trailers, some photos, on the poster and that'll be it. The rest of the job will be done by journalists, fans, internet and tv. They'll ask questions and the cast, crew, producers will answer. It's always like that. The audience itself wants to hear and be reminded that some famous person, that they're going to see "alive" one last time in an iconic role, has already died. Disney doesn't have to do a thing.


I don't think it will make that big of a difference. People that haven't seen it, probably don't even know she's in it (and if you want to argue details, she's not actually in it) and I doubt that the ones that have seen it, are gonna go rewatch it, just to see that weird CGI-thing one more time.


You may be right, but we'll see.


A crap ton of people will see it regardless. Her death isn't changing much.


I have to say that you're the biggest whiney baby I've encountered (repeatedly unfortunately) on IMDB. You always find a way to gripe about something.

If Disney does anything, it will be to honor her with Episode 8. She's also not the only Star Wars name to pass away this year:

Kenny Baker (R2-D2)
Tony Dyson (R2-D2 designer)
Erik Bauersfeld (Admiral Ackbar)


All these Star Wars deaths, the movie is so depressing, it doesn't surprise me.


That's Star Wars though.  The movies repeatedly deal with death. The PT is focused around how Anakin turned to the Dark Side in search of power to keep those he loved from dying. We saw the collapse of the Old Republic and the slaughtering of the Jed Knights in those movies too.

One of the earliest events (the turning point) for Luke in the OT is when his uncle and aunt are brutally murdered. That's when Luke realizes his uncle/aunt were the past, and he needed to move forward towards the future as a Jedi.

It's all about letting go.


Not the time dude

Just not the time

You must die in order to live.


I get it. It does make you feel like Luke and Yoda, huh?

"Master Yoda..you can't die."

I feel like that with Carrie.

"Princess Leia...you can't die." 


I mean depressingly bad, not because Han Solo got killed, "it did nothing to me", because that guy wasn't Han Solo, it was the loser version of a mix between Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones. Who cared that this loser divorcee who does smuggling and gets his Falcon stolen by a blob gets murdered like a newbie by his own son that doesn't even look like him? The film is depressing because of what it is, a train wreck made by a guy who has no culture, no intelligence and no talent.


Well, haven't seen Rogue One yet and I'm tempted to go today because of the news... So it's working.

Was I Dreaming ? - Harry Mason


It does.


Ill attempt to say this with more respect than op but i shall be honest

The dark knight was great
Heath Ledger was great (god knows i miss him now after leto)

But we cannot deny that it was his tragic death that brought the mass attention to the film

To put a number on it would be in the worst taste imaginable

But interest in this film will be affected by this theres no question

Disney would be idiots to rub it in too hard but we will all be there to see this legendary actress play her iconic character for the final time

You must die in order to live.


You may consider this as insensitive, but if you ask me... If Ledger hadn't died, 'The Dark Knight' would made something between 680-750 million and not over 1 billion at the global box office. That's all. It's distasteful but it's true - death is the most valuable kind of marketing, cause for many people the act of buying the ticket and watching the show is a form of honoring the late artist.


Even if they were that coldblooded ,they planned three trilogies with an anthology movie between every sw movie.
So your opinion doesn't reflect reality.

They bought the franchise for 6.5 billion ,they want their money back and make allot more.

TFA was a remake of the first star wars movie because they wanted to play it safe


Oh to clarify my post with the ro stuff by "this film " I meant the one whose board were on

Episode viii

You must die in order to live.


Of course they are this cynical, just think about the producers involved, you think they don't instantly think about the positive consequences of her death? They totally do. George Lucas sold his company at bargaining price because money wasn't his motivation he just wanted to let the franchise go. They will get their money back and more. But they are greedy SOB, they will never have enough, that's why they are whoring for China like prostitutes. They will look for dollars wherever they can, the quality of the movie doesn't matter at all.


You're a disgrace to basic human decency.


Disney execs are relieved to have the Ledge effect angle to market VIII.

Running YouTube's Best Daily Vlog, Literally


You mean the Ledger effect


Autocorrect is the worst.

Running YouTube's Best Daily Vlog, Literally


Wow what a stupid post.

Not everyone is as heartless as you.

