Thank God all her scenes were done

It woulve really affected the plot of 8, i wonder how it will affecr 9. In hindsight it would've been better if Leia rather than Han Solo had died in 7.


Her scenes were shot, but that doesn't help the fact that they needed her for voice looping, and reshoots/pickups. All of which would have been done in the summer.

This is sad, but poses a big problem for the POST production of Episode 8.

Rian Johnson is probably losing his marbles right now.


They've been able to complete films where lead actors have passed away during production. I think Star Wars is in safe hands considering the director and those that are backing it.

I'm just curious as to how they'll handle Leia's death. I'm hoping that they can add something that is honourable and send her off in a royal (no pun intended) way.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


A human has died and you're worried about shoots for a film.




Jesus effing Christ....what an a-hole.


LOLMI had to burst out laughing at this comment



I said star-fooker but it was censored. Trolls tend to intentionally incite under impression they are being serious. I'm just being crass and dont care. If anything, they might just replace her entirely (hopefully) with another actress and we might get A BETTER ACTRESS in the role! so this is good news actually


Carrie's greatest legacy was her portrayal of Leia.

While it's sad she has died, I'm sure even she would, given the option, rather have completed the scenes for what will be her final movie. I think it's good that she managed to complete the film, the problems in post notwithstanding.

Hard to say what her role would have been in Ep IX; we may not know for some time, until prelim script notes come available after the fact.

"Make America HATE again!"
- Paraphrasing Donald Trump


I understand the sentiment of not wanting to immediately begin talking about Episodes VIII and IX, but I think it's a pretty natural response, and we're all thinking it (whether we admit it or not). I love Carrie Fisher as a person, but I grew up with her portrayal of Leia. The idea of seeing her one last time in that galaxy far, far away gives me hope in this terrible time, so I'm absolutely curious as to how much she was able to complete, filming-wise. I don't see it as an insult to her memory or being insensitive. I see it as way to look forward to her last gift to us Star Wars fans. If that makes me insensitive, then so be it.


This is a board to talk about the movie. Sadly an actress has passed away that was part of this film. It's natural to talk about it. If it had been on her board then it would be distasteful.


They can always write the First Order doing a surprise attack on the Resistance Base where Leia is in Episode VIII, even if all her scenes were finished she may still very well die in VIII. Hopefully not, I hope they keep all her scenes intact, and then it's likely Episode IX opens with a surprise attack on Leia's base.


even if all her scenes were finished she may still very well die in VIII



Perhaps. But as you said, at least there was nothing left for her to finish up. Still a shame, RIP Leia. 😢

Whatever you are, be a good one.



Uh, what? Why wouldn't Leia/Fisher have been in these movies? She's a major character in the franchise from day 1. Pumping full of estrogen? Go to bed.


Have you not been paying attention to the route disney has been taking with these new star wars movies? First han is killed off, now there is rumor that Luke may be killed off as well. Carrie fisher is like the jar jar binks to me in the classic trilogy, every time she opened her mouth, she ruined the scene for me. #GRLPOWER4EVER


Have YOU not been paying attention? They kill off an important father-figure character at the beginning of each trilogy. Not to mention Ford legitimately didn't want to be in more of the movies. Leia, a surving and beloved character from the original trilogy, is of course going to be in the new films. So what, they made the central protagonist a girl this time; it was a male the other two. Big deal. Every other character in TFA was male aside from a CGI creature and a stormtrooper who never took her helmet off.


I picked up on the father figure motif in series. Thats not my critique, but considering luke may very well die in the next one. It actually would have made more sense to kill off leia if there were to do somebody in. Its already buzzing that she gets promoted by the end of the next one. LUL. Her character is solely responsible for the death of Han in force awakens. Why would anyone in that universe put her in a higher position of power. Han knew better, he knew his son was gone. BUT NOOO. WOMEN FANBASE COMING IN STRONG WITH THE FEELIES


Your critique is fine, but the whole "woman fanbase" aspect of your argument is asanine.


I felt sure that she would die in this episode anyway,
by the same hands that killed Han in TFA.

I just started to surf to find out the progress of her scenes,
and wow,
they've actually finished them.


Yes im glad her scenes were and won't affect the story. IX is another deal


I wouldn't mind if she was shot in the opening.


The problem is Episode IX, they are going to have to change the plot completely. Unless they wanted Leia to die anyway. But now they have no choice. It seems Luke is the only character that will make it alive?
