Ok, why do fans already assume...?

That Leia will die in Episode VIII? No word on the plot or Leia's characterization has been out yet. I heard most of VIII production is already done with and there are already speculations for a possible revision? Until then we truly have no idea what the movie would do with her role in VIII or possibly IX.

🎊🎄Happy Holidays!🎁🎊


There have been rumors about Leia's death months ago.


Rumors by fans? Even then no official information has been confirmed yet.

🎊🎄Happy Holidays!🎁🎊


No word if she dies, people are just rushing to conclusions thinking re-shoots will kill Leia in the end of EPISODE VIII or possibly the opening of EPISODE IX. They obviously won't recast the role, and to just ignore the character would be stupid.



Yeah, that seems to be the case. It's too soon to tell.

🎊🎄Happy Holidays!🎁🎊


They aren't going to recast the role, they're not going to have the character simply retire and vanish from the series, and the odds of them recreating Carrie Fisher via digital technology for an entire film only one year after she's died is very slim. They really don't have much other choice but to kill the character off.


Why would they need to digitally recreate her when she completed filming Episode 8? Episode 9 won't come out until 2019


I think the plan will be for the original cast to die so the newer characters can take over, its just a matter of when. This must be spread up now, I don't want to see a recast or CGI Leia.
