A Leia and Kylo Ren scene in Episode 8?

Adam Driver was on Colbert last night and they were talking about Carrie Fisher. One interesting thing from the interview:
“I think that was the last time I saw her, actually, on set, being Princess Leia,” Driver said.

So does that mean they have a scene together in this movie? I kind of hope they do, because obviously they can't in Episode 9, or at least they can't without CGI gimmicks.



Presumably, yes. I would think Ben and Leia would have at least a scene together.


I was afraid they were saving that big moment for Episode 9. But it looks like we'll get it in ep 8, which would be great since Leia will probably only be have a CGI enhanced cameo in episode 9.


It makes sense to me they'd have a scene. Maybe on Ahch-To if Leia goes there for something. It seems a given thing that Kylo Ren/Ben (Skywalker) Solo will show up there for personal reasons. He has seen the island in the ocean also.
